Territories: Architecture, Urbanism and People in times of change ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3
Territories: Architecture, Urbanism and People in times of change
• Paper / Proposal Title: Insert title here – Century Gothic Font only •Author(s) Name: Insert name here – Century Gothic Font only •University or Company Affiliation: Insert affiliation here – Century Gothic Font only
•Presentation Method. I would like to: i. present in person (with/without a written paper) ii. present via pre-recorded film (with/without a written paper) iii. present via skype (with/without a written paper) iv. submit a written paper only (and not attend/present)
DELETE those not relevant.
•Abstract (300 words): Insert 300 word description here – Century Gothic Font only / Justified both sides
•Author(s) Biography (200 words each): Insert 200 biography here – Century Gothic Font only / Justified both sides
•Email contact detailsof author(and ALLco-authors): Insert emailshere – Century Gothic Font only •Where do you typically search for conferences: [Please describe]
•Where did you hear about this conference: (Please underline or bold your answer) Listserv email[please name] / Email from known colleague / Email from conference organisers / email from other person/ HNET / Conference Alerts / Web Search / Other [describe] - Please send this fully completed document as an attachment. The document must be in Microsoft Word. Subject line for emails: Abstract Submission Dubai 2020 File name for attachment: Name_Surname_SummaryTitle_Abstract_Dubai_2020 Example file name: Charlie_Smith_YetAnotherApartment Block_Abstract_Dubai_2020 Submit formsto: info@architecturemps. com