Presentation. DialoguePresentation CUSTOMER SERVICE RULES Good customer service is the key to the success of any business and organization The essence of good service is to form a long-term relationship with the customer that they will value. How to build such a relationship? All you need to do is follow these simple customer service rules. 1. Don't make empty promises. Honesty is the foundation of any good relation ship. 2. Always listen to your customers. There is nothing more annoying than having to repeat your question or problem. Keep calm and give the client a chance to speak out. 3. Consider the claim. the client will be satisfied if they listen and at least try to solve the problem. Then he will talk about you as a company with good service. 4. Help customers choose. 5. The most important rule is to smile. These simple rules will give your business a great reputation!
Dialogue Question:
When was the last time you had to make a decision? What was it for? Have you ever made a decision then changed your mind? Why? Are you good at making decisions? Give examples. What are you top tips for making difficult decisions? (Когда в последний раз вам приходилось принимать решение? О чем оно было? Вы когда-нибудь принимали решение, а потом меняли его? Почему? Вам легко дается принятие решений? Приведите примеры. Какие советы вы можете дать о принятии сложных решений? )
I made this decision in the last month.
My last decision was whether to communicate with one person in my life or not. This was due to the fact that he had a negative impact on me.
There were a number of decisions in my life when I made a decision and then changed that decision. These were decisions regarding studies. Changes are accepted due to multiple factors, including family ones.
An interesting fact about me is that a decision is given to me quickly and no choice. For example, I can make a decision about a trip very quickly and easily.
If the decision is really difficult, then I can only advise the mustache to rest, take a breath, exhale and weigh the pros and cons and make a decision. Because only by reducing stress can we think clearly and make the right decision.