rahaḥ-kutūhala-vaha-bahala-rahaḥ krīḍākhyam 18 страница⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 87 из 87
Madhukaṇ ṭ ha said “Previously due to our bad karma, we traveled around, living from day to day. Hearing of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a meeting the Yadus (at Mathurā ), we almost gave up our lives. Much later, hearing of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s return to Vraja we desired to go there quickly. Hearing that Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and his Vraja followers had disappeared from mortal eyes, we desired to enter the ocean to give up our lives. Then, taking the authority of Nā rada’s orders, maintaining our lives, we came to Vraja. We fainted on seeing that place as the abode Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s pastimes. Waking, we had suddenly entered into Goloka without understanding how. ”
[343] sarve sā ś caryam ū cuḥ — tatas tataḥ ?
Everyone said in astonishment “Then what happened? ”
[344] madhukaṇ ṭ ha uvā ca—tato bhagavac-caraṇ a-rā jī va-lokanataḥ punar-jī vana-lā bhopakrameṇ a krameṇ a ca bhavad-upasevanā ya ś rī -gopā la-pū rva-campū ṁ sampū rṇ ayantas tad idaṁ sudinā ham ā sī dā meti kiṁ vā nyat kathanī yam?
Madhukaṇ ṭ ha said “Having seen the lotus feet of the Lord, having been brought back to life, we have had the auspicious opportunity of completing the first part of Gopā la-campu in order to satisfy you. What other topic should I speak? ”
[345] tad etad uktvā samā panam idaṁ padyaṁ nigadya paṇ ā yati sma—
so’yaṁ gopendra putras tava mahita-mahī yaḥ su ś aś van-mahī yyas tvan-nā nā -bandhutā nā m api vividhatayā bandhutā -baddha-buddhiḥ | yasmā l labdhā bhavantaḥ ś iva-kamala-bhavā dyantara-dhyeya-vargā d dū raṁ dhā ma prabhā vaṁ vibhavam api mahā -prema-mā dhuryam atra ||122||
Having said this, he spoke this verse as a conclusion. “O Nanda! Your son is most worthy of worship among the best among the best. His mind is bound in friendship in many ways to your various friends. You have attained from Kṛ ṣ ṇ a an abode, beauty, power, and the sweetness of the highest prema-- rarer than any conceivable object in the hearts of Ś iva or Brahmā. ”
[346] tad etad uktvā bhrā taraṁ praty uvā ca—
gopā la-yaś asā spṛ ṣ ṭ aṁ yan mṛ ṣ ṭ aṁ sū ta-janma ca | tat tu sparś a-maṇ er jā taṁ jā ta-rū pa-mayo’pi naḥ ||123||
Saying this he spoke to his brother:
Just as iron becomes gold by contact with touchstone, our birth in a reciter’s family has become purified by the fame of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a.
tathā hi— atra ś rī -vraja-rā ja-rā jita-sabhā -madhye krama-dhyeyatā - sā dhye ś rī -harir eṣ a rā ma-sahitaḥ pratyakṣ atā m ā gataḥ | tatrā pi sva-kathā -prathā ṁ kathayituṁ naḥ samyag ā diṣ ṭ avā n kā ruṇ yaṁ kim athā sya varṇ yam asakṛ t puṇ yaṁ ca kiṁ naḥ sakhe ||124||
O friend! How can I describe the mercy of the Lord? How can I speak of our great fortune? First we meditated on Goloka, then we entered the inner chambers furnished with seven enclosures, saw Kṛ ṣ ṇ a along with Balarā ma in the assembly of Nanda, and he then gave us the order to recite his pastimes here.
[347] tad evaṁ ś rī -vrajadeva-kumā ra-sukumā ra-mukham abhipaś yann aṅ kuravat-pulaka-kula-saṅ kula-kalevaratā -balena punar varjanatā m arjayann iva tataś ca stambha-sambha-janam atigambhī ra-kampa-sampat-sampatana-sā mpratatayā lumpan patann iva punaś ca nirnimiṣ atā -nirmita-suparvatā m ā tmani parvan pū rvā vasthā m avasthā payann iva samanantaraṁ ca labdha-prapañ ca-nava-nava-dala-valaya-valita-valgu-puṭ a-ś obhā lobhā kara-kara-sampuṭ am anū na-bā ṣ pa-navya-divya-prasū na-pū rṇ aṁ kurvann upasaṁ harann iva sa-snigdhakaṇ ṭ haḥ sa madhukaṇ ṭ haḥ pū rvavad eva pū rvadeva-mā trā -ruci-karaṁ varaṁ varayā mā sa—
Seeing Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s tender face, the two boys could not look again because their hairs stood on end with force. Their bodies trembled intensely, and they became stunned. At total loss, they fell on the ground. They then recovered their former condition and stood with unblinking eyes like devatā s. Folding their hands, attractive as lotuses with many freshly opened petals, and filling those hands with fresh, attractive flowers covered with their tears, Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha and Madhukaṇ ṭ ha in conclusion prayed for a boon pleasing to the senses and the Lord.
vā ṇ ī kaṁ saripo tavā nukathanaṁ karṇ au kathā -karṇ anaṁ hastau santata-sevanaṁ hṛ dayam apy utkaṇ ṭ hayā dhā raṇ am | ś ī rṣ aṁ gokula-vastu-mā tra-namanaṁ dṛ ṣ ṭ ī samasta-vraja- preṣ ṭ hā nā ṁ sthiti-vī kṣ aṇ aṁ ca bhajatā ṁ nau naiva tat-tad-bahiḥ ||125||
O enemy of Kaṁ sa! Let our speech be your pastimes! Let our ears hear your pastimes. Let our hands serve you continually! Let your hearts long for your pastimes! Let our heads bow down to the objects of Gokula! Let our eyes steadily see all the dear people of Vraja. Let our senses and organs serve nothing else.
[348] tad evaṁ labdha-bhakti-prapañ caṁ taṁ ca taṁ ca kuñ can-manasaṁ bhū yo bhū ya ā hū ya pramada-vraja-virā jamā naḥ ś rī mā n vrajarā jaḥ sabhā jana-bhā janatayā nija-samī pam ā payā mā sa, samupaveś ayā mā sa ca | tena ca sarvam api samā jaṁ ś armaṇ ā bhrā jayā mā sa |
Calling repeatedly to the two boys who had spread bhakti, Nanda, with a weak heart and full of joy, brought them near, and, thinking them worthy of respect, made them sit down. By honoring them he gave happiness to the assembly.
tataś ca— puṇ ḍ raṁ pū rvā ṅ ga-carcā nija-maṇ i-valitā laṅ kṛ tir divya-tā mbū l- ā gryaṁ prā gya-sva-vastra-vratatir iti bahu svā tmanaivopayujya | gantryo vā hā ḥ samantā t parijana-janatā ḥ spṛ hya-gṛ hyā divastū ny etā ny anyaiḥ samarpya dvayam abhihitavā n ś rī la-goloka-rā jaḥ ||126||
The king of Goloka personally gave them great quantities of tilaka, unguents for the upper body, his jeweled ornaments, the best betel nut, and excellent clothing. Others gave swift horses, all types of servants and charming household articles. He then addressed them.
adyā rabhyā nupā lyeta lā lyena bhavator dvayam | asya mā trā tathā mā tā tadvat pitrā mayā pitā ||127||
“From today, I will protect you two boys. Yaś odā will protect your mother and I will protect your father. ”
jaya-dhvani-yutā s tadā vavṛ ṣ ur uddhatā ḥ sad-dhanaṁ yathā bata sadaḥ -sadas tad avagā hya bā hyaṁ gṛ ham | tathā ntara-gatā yataś capalam eva tat-pū ritaṁ sthalaṁ kila kṛ ta-kriyaṁ vyasṛ jad ā tma-labdhā n janā n ||128||
Ah! The people of the assembly raised a clamor of victory cries, and, going to the outer room, showered excellent treasures on them. Seeing that, persons still in the assembly went to that place full of treasures and gave gifts to anyone they met there.
[349] tad evaṁ kathā -sā tau datta-sā tau madhukaṇ ṭ ha-snigdhakaṇ ṭ hau sadaiva labdha-kṛ ṣ ṇ opakaṇ ṭ hau ca tad-vinā savilokanotkaṇ ṭ hau pratikṣ aṇ am amanda-paramā nandam anuvindamā nā v eva virā jete |
Having completed their recitation, Madhukaṇ ṭ ha and Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha, giving happiness to all, remained always at Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s side. When not with him, they desired to see him, and experienced the highest, radiant bliss at every moment.
[350] atra pū rvam ā pā tataḥ sudurbodhatā ś aṅ kayā yadyapi na varṇ itā s tathā py asyā ṁ ś rī -goloka-kṛ ta-prabhā yā ṁ sabhā yā ṁ ś ā nta-veś atayā purodhasā ṁ madhya-sambadhyamā nā sanaḥ sukhā kṛ ta-sarva-svajanaḥ sarveṣ ā m agraṇ yaḥ ś rī mā n parjanyaḥ parjanya iva sarva-sukhaṁ varṣ ann ā sī t | varī yasī varī yasī cā ntaḥ -sabhā yā ṁ tathā labdha-prabhā samavartata | ś rī mā n uddhavaś ca sarveṣ ā m uddhava evā janī ti sarva-janī naṁ sukhaṁ kiyad varṇ anī yam?
Though at the beginning of the work, because of fear of difficulty in understanding everything, Parjanya was not mentioned, at the assembly giving glory to Goloka, Parjanya, the best of all people, giving happiness to all his people, was seated among the respectable members in pure dress, showering all happiness like a cloud. His excellent wife Varī yasī shone in the gathering in the inner chambers. Uddhava was also there, giving joy to all. How can one describe the happiness of everyone present there?
[351] rahasyaṁ punar idaṁ rasyamā naṁ vidhī yatā m—
vṛ ndā raṇ yā bhidhā ne sarasi sarasija-ś reṇ i-lakṣ mī ṣ u gopī ṣ v ekā rā dhā bhidhā sā vibhavati satataḥ divya-saugandhika-ś rī ḥ | bhrā myan yā m eva labdhuṁ vrajapati-tanayaś cā rv amū r vartama-vṛ ttī ḥ sarvā nirmā ya yasyā m alir iva kalayā kelim uccais tanoti ||129||
Please taste this secret: Vṛ ndā vana is like a lake. Among all the gopī s equal to lotuses, Rā dhā, the chief gopī, is most excellent, continually beautiful like a divine water lily. As a bee plays in the lotuses, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, wandering about, using the other gopī s as steps to attain her, produces the most intense pastimes with her using all arts.
ś rī -kṛ ṣ ṇ a kṛ ṣ ṇ a-caitanya sa-sanā tana-rū paka | gopā la raghunā thā pta-vraja-vallabha pā hi mā m ||1||
O Kṛ ṣ ṇ a! O Caitanya! O Sanā tana! O Rū pa! O Gopā la! O Raghunā tha! O Vallabha who has attained Vraja! Please protect me!
saṁ vat-pañ caka-veda-ṣ oḍ aś a-yutaṁ ś ā kaṁ daś eṣ v eka-bhā g- jā taṁ yarhi tadā khilaṁ vilikhitā gopā la-campū r iyam | vṛ ndā -kā nanam ā ś ritena laghunā jī vena kenā pi tad vṛ ndā -kā nanam eva sambhṛ ti-kalā ṁ dhattā ṁ samantā d iha ||2|| Gopā la-campu was written in the Saṁ vat year 1645 or Ś ā ka era 1510 (1588 AD) by some insignificant jī va who took shelter of Vṛ ndā vana. May Vṛ ndā vana produce perfection in this work.
prā yaḥ sarvā harer lī lā ḥ kramaś aḥ sū citā mayā | yathā -svaṁ labdha-rucibhir upā syantā ṁ mahā tmabhiḥ ||3||
I have indicated most of the pastimes of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a one after the other. May the great souls as they please, according to their taste, partake of this work!
[1] This refers to Chapters 1-2 (Goloka-vilā sa), Chapters 3-13 (Bā lya-vilā sa) and Chapters 14-33 (Kaiś ora-vilā sa) in the first volume, and Chapters 1-12 (Uddhava-pū rṇ a-vilā sa—Mathurā pastimes), Chapters 13-21 (Rā ma-pū rṇ a-vraja-vilā sa--Dvā rakā pastimes, till Balarā ma returns to Vraja), Chapters 22-37 (Kṛ ṣ ṇ a-pū rṇ a-vraja-vilā sa) in the second volume.
[2] Gopā la-campū 2. 31. 33 [3] Bṛ had-ā raṇ yaka 4. 4. 18 [4] The wagtails form the passerine bird genus Motacilla. They are small birds with long tails which they wag frequently. Eyes are often compared to the wagtail because of their flickering movements. [5] 48 minutes [6] Locks of hair remain on the sides, while the rest of the head is shaved. [7] Devamiḍ a, a kṣ atriya, had a wife of ā bhī ra descent (brā hmaṇ a and vaiś ya). Her child was Parjanya. Parjanya had five sons including Nanda. [8] By this arrangement, Balarā ma was born slightly before Kṛ ṣ ṇ a. [9] The nine treasures of Kuvera are mahā padma, padma, makara, kū rma, nanda, nī la, mukunda, ś aṅ kha and kharva. [10] A prahara is about three hours. [11] Rubbing sesame on the body, bathing is sesame water, sesame homa, gifting sesame, eating sesame, planting sesame. [12] Releasing a fish on a birthday is mentioned in Kṛ ṣ ṇ a-janma-tithi-vidhi of Rū pa Gosvā mī. It brings long life. [13] SB 10. 15. 43 [14] In the previous chapter Surabhī and Indra worshipped Kṛ ṣ ṇ a on Ekā kasī, the eleventh lunar day.
[17] Pā ṇ ini 1. 4. 49-51. [18] There is a custom of offering a ram made of white rice into fire as a sacrifice the day before Horikā. [19] This verse is repeated in Uttara-campū, 31. 43. [20] Where is this found?