Claims . ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 3 1 copy: from Sophia Palaeologus, who was rotted away by Ivan the Terrible during the raid of Khan Davlet Giray on Moscow in the 14th century. He buried her and she decayed…. 3. The fact is that a copy of this Vulgate bible from the 8th century (800) was innovative according to the modern mediaist Jacques Le Goff and even earlier from Bonifatius Fischer, since Sophia Palaeologus brought it to Moscow in 1472, and Pope Clement - 8 " out of fear", for some reason abruptly removed 4900 innovative places in the text of the " Vulgate" after, and. And in 1592, just at the end of the dynastic rule of the Rurikovichs in Russia, after a non-canonically published bull, as the mediaist (specialist in the Middle Ages) Stein Mü ller claims, from Pope Clement-8 and its general non-publication (not publicly), The Bible was reprinted anew, as the " New Vulgate", without scientific prophecies and maxims, and as I understand it, all THIS was the cunning politeness of the pontiff!! ... 2 copy: it was in the Latin-Greek Academy of the city of Kiev, and it was copied by hand by the monks-schema monks of the Kiev Lavra in several duplicates and scattered among the population, " fragments of rationality. " What is it, then. Rather, they were old Latin texts of the so-called Alexandrian school of scriptorians (scribes of the text), from the southern shores of the Mediterranean.
3 copy, the most luxurious because of the gold letters and illustrations: hidden in the Vatican library with print and handwriting, from 16 scriptoria (16 scribes) of the Tours monastery from the Abbey of St. Martin, and innovatively edited, also on leather with leaf embossing behind main letters, by the court academician Alcuin (Flaccus Album), with the sigle-" F" in working texts, from about 800 (the cover of the book is rather made in the style of Henry-8).
So on the margins of one of these copies, just one page, by the will of the Almighty, I managed to see that invention inscribed there in the 8th century on the margins of this book, from the school of academician Alcuin (Flacca), etc. And on the basis of this Latin " polyindrome", decipher it and create a theory that logically led to the creation of end-to-end technologies that will be in demand in our technogenic age.
4. This " polyindrome", tried to decipher the French cryptographers in the early 19th century, but they left behind important conclusions that pushed me to move on, and. And I did it. I have a brother, Academician Kolchanov N. A. , SB RAS and this, of course, is an important support for my status, but I conducted the research independently and independently of the SB RAS, therefore, academicians from the neighboring province will " tear their claws" in relation to the success of others, they will still have to prepare to establish a prestigious region in the region. all of us REC, on any one you hear, on ANY SITE, as an idea is important. Doctor-legend Elizarov GA, from the city of Kurgan, chasing earthly glory, “rastyrozhil” for a penny the method of bone fusion, so how and what?! ... And we have what we have - the depressive region of Kurgan. The No. 1 task of the governor of any region and region, to cherish the local kulibins, is not about money, but about brains. And not to launder " loot" on mega projects and road junctions. So, continuing the thought further and without being distracted from the topic, the Fisher family, who lived on Mira street No. 6, square 11, in the house for the shock workers of communist labor, before " tu-tu", told me that the current governor of the Tyumen region in childhood we were smart Sasha, that is, they spoke very positively about our governor, Alexander Viktorovich Moore. But we with them in 1991, before " tu-tu" to their historical homeland, agreed that they would implement end-to-end technologies only if Alexander Viktorovich Moor turns on the back one, so they literally said: what will he say our clever one from Bereznyaki, do so. It is possible even now, from March 2021, in the city of Tyumen, to start training innovative engineers from the AI contingent in the regional employment center according to an advanced training manual according to the accelerated program, we have already lost a lot of time. And one can hope for the program of " mineral hot springs" in Tyumen, but let it be a backup stratagem of the variant of plan " B" of our smart governor. My brother asks me plaintively by phone from " Peter", to take him into a share in the development of Know How to know, but I told him categorically that I had given my word for the clever Sasha from the suburb of Tyumen - Bereznyakov, the leaving Fisher family and I will keep my word to the end. The fact is that in my house there is a grand piano of father and son Mü hlbach from the city of St. Petersburg, as well as a German-made dining, polished table, which I will bequeath free of charge, as a patron of the Masharov house-museum in the city of Tyumen, and.
5 And you need to somehow warn the director of the regional Department of Culture, and all this should be done appropriately, for this significant event, and not as earlier " ALL THIS" took place in Tyumen. How to further promote end-to-end technologies, if “smart Sasha” - Governor AV Moor has a building dominant in his head and only road junctions, according to his previous excellence - Yakushev. , scheme. We, the residents of the city of Tyumen, have already come to terms with the fact that the former governor of Tyumen (excellence - " Papa Yaki" ) has withdrawn from the target budget 570 lemons intended for the construction of the technopark " Alebashevo" in the northwestern district of the city of Tyumen. And our research with access to the international level is carried out by me at my expense, my personal time and my personal intellectual resources. What else seemed necessary for the introduction of end-to-end technologies in the oil capital of Siberia. If the North is pierced by a road to the west through Perm and Yekaterinburg, and the trend is towards this, then the city of Tyumen has only scientific potential in its resource, and. And you, as a " sighted" person, of our " not simple" mentality of excellence from UR. F. O. , they should somehow think about the emerging tendency, and. And this is all because he passed the exams with an embedded " piece of paper" in the record book and all the students at that time went out into the corridor when excellence studied with N. N. Karnaukhov in TGNGU. Or maybe from the fact that he tore off the hats of passers-by in the city of Neftekamsk, from where he hastily left for the city of Nadym to his parents. In the meantime, in the brains of the excellence of Ur. F. O., the processing of mushrooms), berries)) and nuts))) in industrial parks, which he set up in the area of the suburban village of Borovoe. We, the indigenous inhabitants of the city of Tyumen, will face the fate of the Kurgan Depression Cluster, due to the low flight of only one person, and. And this is not what makes us, residents of Tyumen, happy. Thank you Nobel Prize Committee, for taking an attentive attitude to our emerging problem.
Innovative engineer - Leonid Mikhailovich Kolchanov, Tyumen,:
doktorlektor34@gmail. com 29/05/2021. 03. 07
The magic square from the innovative Bible of Academician Alcuin 6 (Flacca- Albin) from the 800th edition in its glory and not repeatability!! Claims. 7. Working, graphite - from thermally expanded graphite, working grid - matrix of binary type of work, suitable for the manufacture of 14 clusters and working on the principle of end-to-end technologies of the real present. Front side and back side, Al foil in the middle.
: The models of a 3-dimensional environment by brothers-researchers Pierre and Eugene Cosserat, with an independent degree of freedom of rotation, right axial friction-tensor of centricity, no inertia of time and a complete absence of stress moment by definition (" perpetual motion machine" )!!! for especially to ADA. gov for Kolchanov Lab.