Monday10 February 2020. Tuesday 11 February 2020. Wednesday 12 February 2020. MSSP ParticipantsMonday10 February 2020 09: 00 – 09: 15 Inscriptionof thedelegates as they arrive in ABldg – A1174 9: 15 WelcomeMessagebyTherese RENIS, DIR-SGCP 9: 30 Introductionofthe delegates 9: 30 – 10: 00 Introduction of the task (the purpose, scope and outcome) by Ms Menekse Basturk Tatlisu– MSSP Task officer 10: 00 – 10: 20 Coffee Break 10: 20 – 12: 30 Disucssion on the precursor technology and categorization of NFC development 12: 30 Lunchbreak 14: 00 - 15: 30 Splitting into 3 groups (graphite-moderated, heavy water moderated and light water moderated reactors) 15: 30 Coffee Break 16: 00– 17: 30 Discuss and continue review session Tuesday 11 February 2020 9: 00– 10: 15 Disucssion on the time/effort estimates for each categorization 10: 15 Coffee Break 10: 30 – 12: 00 Continue discussion and review session 12: 00 Lunchbreak 13: 30– 15: 30 Continue discussion and review session 15: 30 Coffee Break 16: 00 – 17: 30 Continue discussion and review session Wednesday 12 February 2020 9: 00– 10: 15 Disucssion on the time/effort estimates for each categorization 10: 15 Coffee Break 10: 30 – 12: 00Continue discussion and review session 12: 00 Lunchbreak 13: 30– 15: 30 Finalize the report 15: 30 Coffee Break 16: 00 – 17: 00 Wrap-up and closure byJeremy WHITLOCK, SH-CCA-SGCP. Working Group Attendees: MSSP Participants