Sport in Britain ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 I am going to speak about sport in Great Britain. The British people like sport very much. Among their favourite sports games are football, cricket and tennis, golf, rugby. They go in for athletics and climbing, horse riding and swimming. Britain invented and developed many sports and games. Football, also called soccer, is one of them. England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own football teams and they compete with each other. Boxing as a British sport is one of the oldest. It is interesting to know that it existed even in Saxon times. Cricket is another popular sports game which is played since the 16th century. It is a long and quite dangerous game. Golf is the Scottish national game. Tennis, or lawn tennis was first played in Britain in 1872. The most famous British championship is Wimbledon, played annually during the last week of June and the first week of July. Those are the most popular kinds of sport in the UK. But there are many other sports such as sailing, swimming, rowing and of course walking.
Task. You are going to give a talk about sport in Britain. You will have to start in 5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).
Remember to say: · what sport and sports games are popular in Great Britain; · some interesting facts about these sports
You have to talk continuously.