


Случайная статья

Dialog. Sample Introduction. Sie, you, is always written with a capital S


- Flughafen Tegel. Ah, Ankunft.

Tegel Airport. Ah, arrivals.


-Sind Sie Claus Neddermeyer?

Are you Claus Neddermeyer?



-Guten Tag. Ich bin Andrea Hoffmann.

Hello. I'm Andrea Hoffmann.

- Guten Tag. Freut mich.

Hello. Pleased to meet you.

- Freut mich auch.

Pleased to meet you too.

-Willkommen in Berlin.

Welcome to Berlin.


Thank you.


Sample Introduction

Sind Sie...? Are you...?   Ich bin... I am...

By adding a name after each phrase, you can form a simple question or answer:


Sind Sie...?


Ich bin...


Sind Sie Sabine Mö ller?     Ich bin Sabine Mö ller.


Sie, you, is always written with a capital S


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