Goodbye Guns! ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 (Manifest proposition)
In the 20th century, our world witnessed two of the bloodiest wars in human history. Terrible slaughter, torture and violence that happened throughout this time were mutilating people, and fortunately, that time has past. It's 21st century today, but we are still poisoned by this terrible ideology of murder and violence. How often humans are tempted to solve the conflict by force and power - no matter if it deals with everyday problems or disassembly of a geopolitical nature.
War really can be equal to insanity or to horrible disease. The most monstrous fact is that this kind of mass psychosis is difficult to treat, and it always carries irreversible consequences. It is clear that even with the anti-war demonstrations, marches and workshops –we won’t be able to handle this oppressive madness.
It is necessary for us to free our minds, break down some stereotypes, and have a fresh look at familiar and simple things that surround you. To change the world, we must first change our attitude towards it.
One of these global and at the same time effective ideas is symbolic chronology of counting the time. It is necessary to draw the attention of mankind to a symbolic date, permanent memory of which would have discourage any desire to take weapons and come to violence.
It is clear that this date should be 9th of May, 1945 - the first day after the bloodiest war. On this day, we propose to make the symbolic starting point of chronology, people has begun to live a new life in a renewed - unfortunately, at the cost of appalling loss - world. Always remembering this day, we will do everything possible to create and keep peaceful and civilized way of preventing any conflict.
This day - the first day of a new life –will turn into something more than a historic date. It will be a " second birth" of all mankind!
After taking those actions, our life will change and so as our world, everything in it will be different. Make a date of 9th of May, 1945 the starting point of a new life and we will finally learn how to love, to forgive, to enjoy life without fear that someone will take your tomorrow.