1.What problems may appear in a family with teenagers?(p 42 ex.1a)Стр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒
Questions to the exam in English: I. Family conflicts. (pp. 42-43): 1. What problems may appear in a family with teenagers? (p 42 ex. 1a) What drives parents mad? What things don’t teenagers often want to do? •The teenagers don’t often want to… 2. What other things may problems be connected with? ( p 42 ex. 1c) • The problems may also be connected with… 3. What housework do you and other people in your family do? Who• cooks meals • does the washing up• takes a dog for a walk• buys food• tidies the flat • looks after your younger brothers and sisters? •What don’t you mind doing in the house? Why? 4 What problem did Mr. and Mrs Serrano deal with? (p. 43 ex. 4) • Why was the situation in their house intolerable? • What decision did they make? Were the right or wrong that they went to court? • If you were Mr. Serrano, what would you do? 5. Have you ever had a big arguement with your parents? What about? Did you come to an agreement? 6. What is the right age for a person to leave home? Why? II. Shopping(pp. 40-41) 1. What is the most popular place to buy clothes in Kirov? Do you buy clothes there? If not, why? 2. What is the best shop you’ve ever been to? Why did you like it? 3. What was your last purchase? 4. Do you always try on clothes before you buy them? 5. Have you ever bought something and never worn it? What was it? Why didn’t you wear it? 6. Have you ever been to a Zara store? •Who’s Amancio Ortega? • What is unusual about him? • What are the secrets of Zara’s success? ( if not Zara, speak about any famous shop you know, its founder and the secret of its prosperity) III. TIME(pp. 44-45) 1. Why are people more stressed nowadays than 10 years ago? 2. What does a term”hurry sickness” mean? Give examples. (for example, how much time does a person look at pictures in a gallery nowadays? )