bribery (взятка), forgery (подделка денег), truancy, parental disobediencebribery (взятка), forgery (подделка денег), truancy, parental disobedience fraud (мошенничество), burglary (ограбление со взломом), juvenile delinquency larceny (воровство), arson (поджег), harassment (домогательство), youngster’s peers become his family and this youth gets involved in pick-pocket (карманничество), high(sky)-jacking (захват самолета) juvenile crime and gang activity petty thievery, mugging, vandalism, shoplifting, underage drinking, using marijuana
youth = youngster lack of parental authority, negligence child abuse overindulgence availability of drugs and alcohol society: earlier no jurisdiction 1-parent household interaction tough criminals discontent (no satisfaction) social alienation (изолированность) fewer job opportunity/ unemployment failure to rise above their socio-economic status changes in the economy values repudiation hedonistic tendencies disadvantage families or affluent homes(чересчур обеспеч. ) delays in achieving adult status