Final events and Award Ceremony. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Final events and Award Ceremony. It is planned that the winners of the Contest will be given the right to participate in the final forum in Moscow in the summer of 2019, where the awards will be held. More information and Application form for participants on the Contest website: Horizon 2100 - English version (http: //www. futurible. space/? page_id=672) Our group on Vkontakte: https: //vk. com/futuriblespace Our group on Facebook: https: //www. facebook. com/groups/218986338977182/ Project Coordinators: Anakha Satish, India (Russian, English, Hindi) Pravin Sanaran, India (English, Tamil) Irina Ledneva, Russia (Russian, Chinese, English) Ivan Mutkoglo, Moldova (Moldavian, Romanian, Turkish) Sharon Young, USA (English) Contest site: http: //www. futurible. space/? page_id=337 Contest organizer: Centre for Modelling Future (Russia), Partners: Innovative Research and Education Center of Moscow Aviation University and the Institute of Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Youth Public Organization " Young World", Russia, Agency for International Cooperation in Education " AiBZ", Germany; National Institute for System Studies of Entrepreneurship, Russia, Carlos Nemer Consulting-CNC, Brazil; Foundation for Support of Innovations in the Sphere of Culture and Education " GRANI MIRA", Russia. Informational partners: Future Now Internet portal / Futurenow. ru, Russia Journal FUTURIBILI, Italy.