Pupils revise the words of colours.
Teacher: Finish the rhyme, name the colour
Touch you head ( red)
Tie your shoe ( blue)
Touch the ground ( brown)
Take a bite (white)
Touch your back ( black)
Draw a circle ( purple)
Give a wink (pink)
Shout hurray ( grey)
2. Game with a ball “What colour are your eyes? ”
3. Pupils revise body parts. Pupils match pictures and words.

Teacher introduces toys.
I have got a toy box. I have got a toy girl.
Teacher demonstrates: He has got/She has got….
She is a ballerina. She has got blue eyes.
She has got fair hair.
Pupils watch the video, sing a song “Head, shoulders, knees and toes” and move.
Teacher: Let’s have a rest.
Head and shoulders, head and shoulders
Knees and toes, knees and toys
Ears and mouth, ears and mouth
Eyes and nose, eyes and nose.
Pupils describe their dolls.
Teacher: Now look at the blackboard and listen to my story:
I’ve got A DOLL.
It has got BLUE eyes.
It has got RED hair.
Pupils describe toys.
Teacher: We are going to have a talk now. I’ve got a teddy bear and a doll. Look at them. Do you like them? Listen how my teddy bear and my doll ask each other questions. You should look at the blackboard:
Have you got blue eyes? –Yes, I have.
Have you got a small mouth? – Yes, I have.
Have you got long hair? – No, I haven’t.
Pupils in pairs ask questions.