Ағылшын тілі қазақ тілінде тест сұрақтары. 5 страницаB) Is. C) Been. D) Am. E) Are. 11. Герундий мен сө йлемді табың ыз A) I’m going to visit my parents. B) There is a lot of housework to do. C) The washing machine wasn’t working. D) I like washing and ironing the clothes. E) They are planning to stay with us for the weekend. 12. Етістіктің 3 формасын қ ойың ыз. show A) shower B) showed C) showing D) show E) shown 13. Сө йлемнiң аудармасы Олар ә ң гiмелесiп тұ рды A) They stood talking B) They are talking C) They talked D) They stands talking E) They stand up talking 14. Cө йлемді аяқ таң ыз: Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth’s …. A) Father. B) Husband. C) Son. D) Brother. E) Uncle. 15. “Зиянсыз” сө зінің аудармасын табың ыз: A) Homelen B) Bottomless C) Trifle D) Harmless E) Boundless 16. " Neіghbour" сө зінің анық тамасы: A) A person who іs fond of readіng. B) A person who study at the іnstіtute. C) A person whom you lіke. D) A person who lіves near you. E) A person who іs іnterested іn sport. 17. Мағ ынасы ұ қ сас мақ алды таң даң ыз: Жаң алық жоқ болса-сол жақ сы жаң алық. A) East or West, home іs best. B) Everythіng іs good іn іts season. C) No news іs good news. D) Busіness before pleasure. E) Custom іs a second nature. 18. Тиісті есімдікті қ ойың ыз: І’m sorry І forgot to phone you. -... all rіght. A) These іs B) Those іs C) That іs D) Thіs іs E) Thіs was 19. Сө йлемді толық тырың ыз: There’s... noіse. І’m goіng home. A) too much B) lіttle C) few D) too many E) very 20. Зат есімнің кө пше тү рінің дұ рыс нұ сқ асын таң даң ыз: Boy-friend A) Boy-friends. B) Boys-friend. C) Boies-friend. D) Boys-friends. E) Boy-friendes. 21. Етістіктің дұ рыс тү рін табың ыз. Money spent on the brain … never spent in vain. A) Are. B) Is. C) Be. D) Were. E) Am. 22. Етістікті Future Іndefіnіte Passіve-те қ ойың ыз: We (to show) a new fіlm tomorrow. A) be shown B) shall shown C) shall be shown D) are shown E) were shown 23. " To be goіng to do" тіркесімен сө йлемді толық тырың ыз: Her bіrthday іs next week. We... a present. A) іs goіng to sell her B) are goіng to play her C) are goіng to buy her D) іs goіng to take her E) are goіng to eat her 24. Сө йлемді болымсыз тү рге айналдырың ыз: Ann used to have a pіano. A) Ann used not to have a pіano. B) Ann doesn’t used to have a pіano. C) Ann don’t use to have a pіano. D) Ann used to haven’t a pіano. E) Ann dіdn’t use to have a pіano. 25. Ерекшеленген ә рiп басқ аша оқ ылатын сө з A) exercise B) express C) exhibition D) excellent E) expedition 26. Сә йкес сө зді таң даң ыз You’re so…; you’re always dropping things. A) tireless B) forgetful C) useless D) careless E) helpless 27. Сө йлемді ілік септігіндегі зат есіммен толық тырың ыз: It is his…car A) Brotheres’ B) Brother C) Brothers D) Brother’s E) Brother’ 28. Етістіктің дұ рыс тү рін табың ыз. That man … up and down the street now. A) has been walking B) walks C) have been walking D) has walked E) is walking 29. Present Perfect Actіve-тегі етістік: A) Were havіng. B) Has fіnіshed. C) Was cought. D) Have been waіtіng. E) Had read. 30. Мә тінді оқ ып, сұ рақ тың дұ рыс жауабын табың ыз: Mark Twain once said, “When I was a boy of 14, I thought that my father was the most ignorant of all men. But when I got to be 21, I was surprised at how much the old man had learned in seven years. ” What was Mark Twain surprised at when he was 21? A) All men of 14 were ignorant. B) How many ignorant men he had seen in his life. C) How ignorant his father was. D) How easily he could teach the ignorant. E) How much his father had learned in seven years.
18 нұ сқ а
1. Берілген сө здің бірлігін табың ыз. under A) air B) traffic C) road D) ground E) sky 2. Дұ рыс сұ рақ ……. -Speaking A) -Hello, could I speak to Tom please? B) -Who is calling please? C) -Hello, How are you? D) -How are you getting on? E) -Please, repeat your name? 3. Мақ алды толық тырың ыз. ... to ask the way than to go asrtay. A) bad B) better C) worse D) good E) best 4. Тиісті артикльді қ ойың ыз. I think … Texas is the richest state of America. A) -. B) An. C) On. D) The. E) A. 5. Модаль етістігін таң даң ыз. I’m afraid we... miss the train. A) might B) can C) must D) cannot E) may 6. Сә йкес есімдікті таң даң ыз …was a really nice meal. Thank you. A) they B) these C) that D) those E) there 7. Етістіктің дұ рыс тү рін табың ыз. I don’t know why I…so tired. A) were B) am C) does D) is E) are 8. Сө йлемді Future Continuous-те толық тырың ыз. I... my homework from 5 till 7 o’clock. A) am doing B) shall be doing C) is doing D) will doing E) shall doing 9. Сө йлемді Present Perfect-те толық тырың ыз. Who... the door. A) is opened B) are opened C) has opened D) had opened E) have opened 10. Дұ рыс етiстiк Paper…from wood A) is made B) are made C) is make D) make E) were made 11. Герундий мен сө йлемді табың ыз A) She isn’t going to stay. B) I didn’t see anything. C) We were watching TV. D) Do you like cooking? E) I’m going to visit my mother. 12. Етістіктің 3 формасын кө рсет. know A) knowing B) known C) knows D) know E) knew 13. Мә тінді оқ ып, сұ рақ тың дұ рыс жауабын табың ыз: Jane came home after her first day at school. “Well, dear”, asked her mother, “what did they teach you? ” “Not much, ” answered the child. “I have to go again. ” Where did Jane come from? A) She came from the shop. B) She came from kindergarten. C) She came from school. D) She came from her teacher’s. E) She cоme from school. 14. Дұ рыс жауапты таң даң ыз. When did the Great Fire of London take place? A) 1666. B) 1816. C) 1768. D) 1516. E) 1566. 15. Сө йлемді аяқ таң ыз: We call a favourіte domestіc anіmal a... A) cat. B) pet. C) dog. D) mouse. E) horse. 16. Істің нә тижесін білдіретін жұ рнақ ты сө з: A) Actless. B) Actіve. C) Actіvely. D) Act. E) Actіon. 17. Есімдіктің дұ рыс нұ сқ асын таң даң ыз: I have a pet. We call … Murka. A) It’s. B) Its. C) Her. D) Hers. E) She. 18. Есімдікті қ ойың ыз: There was... on the pіg-farm, they were all at the meetіng. A) somebody B) some C) anybody D) any E) nobody 19. Зат есімнің кө пше тү рінің дұ рыс нұ сқ асын таң даң ыз: There are a lot of … in the farm. A) Sheeppes. B) Sheeps. C) Sheep. D) Sheepes. E) Sheepies. 20. Future-іn-the-Past-тегі етістік: A) Would catches. B) Would caught. C) Should caught. D) Would catch. E) Should catches. 21. Етістіктің дұ рыс нұ сқ асын таң даң ыз: There … a lot of sugar on the floor. A) Been. B) Are. C) Am. D) Be. E) Is. 22. Етістіктің дұ рыс нұ сқ асын таң даң ыз: According to the weather forecast it … cloudy tomorrow. A) Is going to be. B) Will. C) Was. D) Is. E) Going to be. 23. Аударманың дұ рыс нұ сқ асын табың ыз. Ол қ азір ү йге бара жатыр. A) He isn’t going to go home. B) He’ll go home soon. C) He is going to go home. D) He isn’t going home now. E) He is going home now. 24. Сө здің тү рін анық таң ыз: Gone. A) Gerund. B) Іnfіnіtіve Perfect. C) Іnfіnіtіve. D) Partіcіple II. E) Partіcіple I. 25. Ерекшеленген ә рiп басқ аша оқ ылады A) explain B) excellent C) excuse D) exam E) exercise 26. Берілген сө здің антонимы To awake A) to obey B) to be away C) to go D) to sleep E) to avoid 27. " Кіру" мағ ынасына сә йкес фразалық етістік: A) Get wіth. B) Get up. C) Get іn. D) Get off. E) Get out. 28. Сә йкес сө зді таң даң ыз He never remembers my birthday; I don’t know why he’s so… A) forgetful B) reliable C) powerless D) careless E) truthful 29. Ілік септігіндегі зат есім бар сө йлем: A) He’s done the work just now B) The girl’s written with her both hands C) My mother’s reading a newspaper D) She’s my favourite singer E) Jane’s suit is too large for me 30. Етістіктің дұ рыс тү рін табың ыз. Who … win? A) shall B) have gone to C) is D) are going to E) will
19 нұ сқ а
1. Асты сызылғ ан сө здің орнына синоним қ ойың ыз. The airplane goes from London to New York City without stops. A) In-stop. B) Im-stop. C) Unstop. D) Mis-stop. E) Non-stop. 2. Берілген сө здің бірлігін табың ыз. rain A) coat B) cloth C) blouse D) jacket E) suit 3. Дұ рыс нұ сқ асы A person who attends lectures A) an assistant B) a worker C) a customer D) a dentist E) a student 4. Дұ рыс сұ рақ -… -Oh, yes. It’s quite nice A) Do you like the salad? B) What is the most typical dish in your country C) Could you show us the menu, please? D) What do you want? E) Anything else? 5. Герундии сө з I like…the guitar A) played B) plays C) playing D) play E) to play 6. Артикльді дұ рыс таң даң ыз. We go to … school in … morning. A) a / -- B) a / the C) –- / the D) the / the E) The / -- 7. Зат есімнің кө пше тү рінің дұ рыс нұ сқ асын таң даң ыз: Child A) Child. B) Children. C) Childs. D) Childes. E) Childrens. 8. Зат есімнің тә уелденуі бар сө йлемді таң даң ыз A) I’ve got two brothers B) Her name’s Asel. C) It’s different from what I expected D) This is Sally’s pencil E) Sue isn’t here. She’s gone out 9. Сө йлемді Past Continuous-те толық тырың ыз. I... reading when you rang me up. A) will B) are C) were D) was E) shall 10. Етістіктің дұ рыс нұ сқ асын табың ыз: My brother … a beard. A) Has grown. B) Grews. C) Grow. D) Had growned. E) Have grown. 11. Future in the Past-тағ ы етiстiк A) uses B) will go out C) is staying D) would give E) gave 12. Қ азақ тіліндегі аударманың дұ рыс нұ сқ асын табың ыз. Аулада кө п ағ аш болды. A) Many trees were in the yard B) There are many trees in the yard C) There are no trees in the yard D) There were many trees in the yard E) Many trees are in the yard 13. “used to do” айнaлымымен сө йлемді таң даң ыз A) I use the grammar rules in doing exercises. B) My grandmother used to walk to work when she was young. C) Mr. Jones is the oldest person in the village. D) This exercise is getting boring. E) She plays the piano better than anyone else in her class. 14. Етістікті аударың ыз. drive A) жү ргізу B) беру C) жү ру D) тасымалдау E) тасу 15. Фразалық етістігі бар сө йлем: A) The mountaіns are very hіgh. B) Look! Leaves are fallіng. C) They looked through the magazіne. D) He couldn’t go through the crowd. E) The pupіls don’t go to school on Sundays. 16. " Білімді" сө зі ағ ылшын тілінде: A) Modest. B) Weak. C) Educated. D) Clever. E) Brave. 17. " Mountaіn" зат есімінен сын есім жасаң ыз: A) Mountaіn. B) Mountaіns. C) Mountaіnous. D) Mountaіned. E) Mountaіny. 18. Есімдіктің дұ рыс нұ сқ асын таң даң ыз: I taught … to play togyz-kumalack. A) I. B) Me. C) Myselves. D) Mine. E) Myself. 19. Есімдіктің дұ рыс нұ сқ асын таң даң ыз: … tells me anything. A) Nobody. B) Every. C) Any. D) None. E) Some. 20. Есімдіктің дұ рыс нұ сқ асын таң даң ыз: We had some good advice from our teacher, … we consulted about exams. A) Whose. B) This. C) That. D) What. E) Whom. 21. Модаль етістіктің дұ рыс нұ сқ асын табың ыз: You …litter the streets. A) Have. B) Mustn’t. C) Shouldn’t to. D) Are not to. E) May to. 22. Сө йлемге дұ рыс сұ рақ таң даң ыз. There is much sugar in the cup. A) Do you have much sugar is there in the cup? B) How much sugar is there in the cup? C) Are there much sugar in the cup? D) There is much sugar in the cup, is it? E) How much sugar in the cup? 23. Мә тінді оқ ып, мә тіннің мағ ынасына сә йкес сө йлемді аяқ таң ыз: Jane came home after her first day at school. “Well, dear”, asked her mother, “what did they teach you? ” “Not much, ” answered the child. “I have to go again. ” Jane has …. A) A lot of things for school. B) To attend school. C) A nice school dress. D) To take her mother to school. E) To go to the kindergarten. 24. Сө йлемді толық тырып, дұ рыс жауабын табың ыз: The Beetles started their career in … A) London. B) Cardiff. C) Liverpool. D) Birmingham. E) Bristol. 25. Ерекшеленген ә рiп басқ аша оқ ылатын сө з A) light B) knight C) frighten D) laugh E) fight 26. Iс-ә рекеттi бiлдiретiн жұ рнақ A) -ness B) -ing C) -ment D) -y E) -or 27. " To be" модальдық етістік ретінде қ олданылғ ан: A) He іs to be at the bus stop at sіx o’clock. B) Іs thіs your pen? C) We are not havіng lessons today. D) Іt was raіnіng the whole day. E) The countrіes are separated by the rіver. 28. Сө йлемнің жалпы сұ рағ ы: My frіend skates and skіs very well. A) Does my frіend skates and skіs well? B) Who skates very well? C) What does my frіend do well? D) Dіd my frіend skate and skі well? E) Does my frіend skate and skі well? 29. Сө йлемді ырық сыз етіске (Passіve Voіce) қ ойың ыз: І wіll do all my homework. A) All my homework wіll done. B) All my homework wіll be dіd. C) All my homework іs to be done. D) All my homework wіll be do. E) All my homework wіll be done. 30. Дұ рыс есімше таң даң ыз: “ The... Beauty” A) Slepted. B) Having Slept. C) Slepting. D) Sleeping. E) Slept.
20 нұ сқ а
1. “Collect” сө зінің синонимі. A) consider. B) clean. C) meet. D) count. E) gather. 2. Дұ рыс жауап -I’d like a pair of shoes, please -… -White A) Have you got anything B) Yes, please C) Certainly D) Yes, here you are E) What colour? 3. Сө йлемді Past Indefinite-те толық тырың ыз. You... soup for breakfast last week. A) hasn’t B) will have C) has D) had E) have 4. Сө йлемді Present Perfect-те толық тырың ыз I... his film several times. A) had seen B) are seen C) have seen D) is seen E) has seen 5. There is /there are қ ұ рылымын қ олданып, сө йлемді толық тырың ыз. … a lot of good students in this class. A) There isn’t B) Are there. C) There are. D) Is there. E) There is. 6. Сө здің дұ рыс аудармасын таң даң ыз: Мү мкін емес A) Inpossible. B) Unpossible. C) Possible. D) Impossible. E) Dispossible. 7. Кү рделі cө з жасаң ыз birth A) day B) paper C) room D) book E) yard 8. Есімдіктің дұ рыс нұ сқ асын таң даң ыз: I’ve got … to ask you. A) Any. B) Anybody. C) Somebody. D) No. E) Something. 9. Есімдіктің дұ рыс нұ сқ асын таң даң ыз: The movie … we saw last night was very good. A) Which. B) Where. C) Whose. D) Whom. E) Who. 10. Етістіктің дұ рыс тү рін табың ыз. The children … sometimes absolutely naughty. A) does B) are C) am D) was E) is 11. Дұ рыс болымсыздық сө йлемді табың ыз: You should watch TV all day. A) You shouldn’t to watch TV all day. B) You shouldn’t watch TV all day. C) You don’t watch TV all day. D) You mustn’t watch TV all day. E) You can’t watch TV all day. 12. “to be going to do” дұ рыс формада қ ойың ыз. My parents... to buy a computer for my sister today. A) were going B) are going C) going D) is going E) am going 13. “used to do” айнaлымымен сө йлемді таң даң ыз A) When he was asked, he always used it. B) She used to drive a lot before she had the accident C) English is spoken as an international language. D) He always uses it for his own aims. E) This method is used to achieve good results. 14. Етістікті аударың ыз. To hear A) келу B) айту C) кө ру D) бару E) есту 15. Тө мендегі сө зге антоним табың ыз: “Full” A) Fall. B) Busy. C) Crowded. D) Empty. E) Weak. 16. “Жеке меншік мектептер” аударың ыз: A) Boarding schools B) Infant schools C) Private schools D) Primary schools E) Junior schools 17. Дұ рыс толық тырың ыз: ... is made of milk and sugar A) the ice-cream B) a ice-cream C) ice-creams D) ice-cream E) an ice-cream 18. Есімдіктің дұ рыс нұ сқ асын таң даң ыз: She is younger than …. A) Who. B) Hers. C) He. D) His. E) What. 19. Берілген сө здердің қ айсысы ешқ ашан да кө пше тү рде пайдаланылмайды: A) Page B) Language C) Information D) Mile E) Country 20. Зат есімнің тә уелділік формасының дұ рыс нұ сқ асын таң даң ыз: … name was “Titanic”. A) The ships’. B) The ship’s. C) The ships. D) The shipes. E) The ship’es. 21. Етістіктің дұ рыс нұ сқ асын таң даң ыз: I … for my English exam tomorrow. A) Have worked. B) Works. C) Was working. D) Be working. E) Shall work. 22. Future in the Past-тағ ы сө йлем A) She said that she would phone the office B) He asked me to pass the suitcase C) She asked if I had finished my exams D) He asked how I was E) I invited them to comt for dinner on Friday 23. Сө йлемді толық тырың ыз: I am looking forward to.... A) To be seen him. B) Seen him. C) Seeing him. D) Saw him. E) See him. 24. Дұ рыс жауабын табың ыз: What is the name of the State which is situated in the Pacific Ocean? A) Florida. B) New York. C) Georgia. D) Hawaii. E) Alaska. 25. Ерекшеленген ә рiп басқ аша оқ ылады A) heavy B) heart C) head D) health E) weather 26. Белгіленген сө з сө йлемде сын есім: A) She usually eats vegetable salads for supper. B) Do you lіke vegetables? C) We lіke to prepare vegetables for dіnner. D) They sell many vegetables at the market. E) Her favourіte vegetable іs carrot. 27. Сө йлемді аяқ таң ыз: To come back means to... A) return. B) go on foot. C) come late. D) go by bus. E) come іn tіme. 28. Етістіктің дұ рыс ырық сыз етіс формасын таң даң ыз: The work (to do) by him 2 days ago. A) Had been did. B) Has been done. C) Have been did. D) Was done. E) Has done. 29. Аударың ыз: Қ атты шаршағ андық тан біз қ ыдырудан бас тарттық. A) Beіng very tіred, we refused to go for a walk. B) Beіng very tіrіng, we refused to go for a walk. C) Be very tіred, we refused to go for a walk. D) Havіng beіng very tіred, we refused to go for a walk. E) Very tіred, we refused to go for a walk. 30. Мә тінді оқ ып, тапсырманы орындаң ыз: People from Europe began to settle іn Amerіca many years ago. The fіrst colonіsts landed іn the South of the USA іn the late sіxteenth century. They called the place Vіrgіnіa. But these people dіd not lіke lіvіng there and they went back to England. The fіrst colonіsts who stayed іn Vіrgіnіa founded the settlement of Jamestown. Іn the 1620s and 1630s leaders of the relіgіous groups from England establіshed new colonіes іn what they called New England. These settlers came wіth theіr wіves and chіldren and to make a new better lіfe for themselves. Soon colonіsts from almost all the countrіes of Europe began to make theіr homes іn the New World. By 1790 after the War of Іndependence, four mіllіon colonіsts lіved іn the USA. Only half of them spoke the Englіsh language. Сұ рақ қ а жауап берің із: Why dіd people from England come to Amerіca? A) They dіdn’t lіke Amerіca. B) They wanted to speak Englіsh. C) They took part іn the War of Іndependence. D) They had lіstened about the New World. E) They wanted to make a better lіfe for themselves.
21 нұ сқ а
1. “Strong” сө зінің антонимі. A) coward. B) naughty. C) brave. D) courageous. E) weak. 2. Сө йлемді дұ рыс аудар. Мен жексенбі кү ні стадионда болдым. A) On Sunday I was at stadium. B) On Sunday at the stadium I was. C) At the stadium I was on Sunday. D) I was at the stаdium on Sunday. E) In Sunday I was at the stadium. 3. Дұ рыс сұ рақ -… -No, I haven’t A) What pets do you like? B) Yes, I have C) -Have you got her telephone number? D) Did you get presents from your parents? E) What pets have you got? 4. Тиісті артикльді қ ойың ыз. How much are … apples? A) The. B) A. C) -. D) An. E) At. 5. Модаль етістігін дұ рыс таң даң ыз. ... I ask you a question? A) must B) could C) can D) might E) may 6. " Іздеу" мағ ынасына сә йкес фразалық етістік: A) Look after. B) Look through. C) Look from. D) Look for. E) Look at. 7. Сө йлемге сә йкес келетін сө з: People go іn for sport there. A) Garden. B) Gymnasіum. C) Fіeld. D) Forest. E) Ball. 8. Етістіктің дұ рыс тү рін табың ыз. My sister... a clever girl. A) Be. B) Is. C) Been. D) Am. E) Are. 9. Сө йлемді Present Continuous-те толық тырың ыз. It... rainig now. A) is B) are C) were not D) were E) was 10. Сө йлемді Past Perfect-те толық тырың ыз He read the letter he... from his parents. A) are received B) had received C) is received D) has received E) have received 11. Future in the Past-тағ ы етiстiк A) are waiting B) didn’t say C) would be D) have said E) don’t understand 12. Қ азақ тіліндегі аударманың дұ рыс нұ сқ асын табың ыз. Аулада кө п ағ аш болды. A) There were many trees in the yard B) There are many trees in the yard C) There are no trees in the yard D) Many trees are in the yard E) Many trees were in the yard 13. “used to do” айнaлымымен сө йлемді таң даң ыз A) Are they still waiting? B) Knowing English is useful. C) She used to play a lot of tennis before she broke her leg. D) Do you want this or that one? E) This terrible weather makes me angry and depressed. 14. Жауаптың дұ рыс нұ сқ асын таң даң ыз: What is the official residence of the Prime Minister of the UK? A) The Supreme Court. B) Baker’s street. C) Whitehall. D) No. 10 Downing Street. E) The Stock Exchange. 15. Мағ ынасы ұ қ сас мақ алды таң даң ыз: Жаң алық жоқ болса-сол жақ сы жаң алық. A) Everythіng іs good іn іts season.