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Verb collocations referring to friendship:
- make friends (with someone): e. g. When you go to university you will make a lot of new friends. - strike up a friendship -завязать дружбу: (start a friendship) e. g. Jack struck up a friendship with a girl he met on holiday. - form / develop a friendship: e. g. Juliet formed a lasting friendship with the boy she sat next to at primary school. - cement / spoil a friendship: e. g. Spending several weeks on holiday together has cemented their friendship. - a friendship + grow: e. g. We were at school together, but our friendship grew after we'd left school. - close / special friends: e. g. I glad that our children are such close friends, aren't you? - mutual friends: - a casual acquaintance: e. g. I don't know Rod well. We're just casual acquaintances. - have a good relationship with someone: e. g. Anna and Marie have a very good relationship. They love doing things together. - keep in contact / touch: lose contact / touch) e. g. We must keep in contact when the course ends.