


Случайная статья

VEGETABLES. 1. Group the following vegetables according to their color.. spinach  carrot  lettuce  cabbage  radish  celery  broccoli  beet  parsley. 2. Match the words with the pictures.. 3. Put letters in the correct order to make words.. 1. Group the fo



Слово Перевод Картинка
vegetables /ˈ vedʒ. tə. bə lz/ овощи
lettuce /ˈ let. ɪ s/ салат-латук
сabbage /ˈ kæ b. ɪ dʒ / капуста
сarrot /ˈ kæ r. ə t/ морковь
zucchini /zuˈ kiː. ni/ цуккини
radish /ˈ ræ d. ɪ ʃ / редис
beet /biː t/ свекла
sweet pepper /ˌ swiː t ˈ pep. ə r/ сладкий перец
chili pepper /ˈ tʃ ɪ l·i ˌ pep·ə r/ острый перец
celery /ˈ sel. ə r. i/ сельдерей
parsley /ˈ pɑ ː. sli/ петрушка
spinach /ˈ spɪ n. ɪ tʃ / шпинат
onion /ˈ ʌ n. jə n/ лук
turnip /ˈ tɜ ː. nɪ p/ репа
broccoli /ˈ brɒ k. ə l. i/ брокколи
cauliflower /ˈ kɒ l. ɪ ˌ flaʊ. ə r/ цветная капуста
scallion /ˈ skæ l. i. ə n/ зеленый лук
eggplant, aubergine /ˈ eɡ. plɑ ː nt/, /ˈ ə ʊ. bə. ʒ iː n/ баклажан
peas /piː s/ горох
yam, sweet potato /jæ m/, /ˌ swiː tpə ˈ teɪ. tə ʊ / сладкий картофель, батат
asparagus /ə ˈ spæ r. ə. ɡ ə s/ спаржа
green beans /ˌ ɡ riː n ˈ biː ns/ стручковая фасоль
corn /kɔ ː n/ кукуруза
garlic /ˈ ɡ ɑ ː. lɪ k/ чеснок



1. Group the following vegetables according to their color.

spinach  carrot  lettuce  cabbage  radish  celery  broccoli  beet  parsley

green red / orange

2. Match the words with the pictures.

1. zucchini ___

2. chili ___

3. onion ___

4. turnip ___

5. cauliflower ___

6. scallion ___


a b c
d e f


3. Put letters in the correct order to make words.

1.   egebiurna ________________

2.   aym________________

3.   srupaaags________________

4. galrci________________

5. oelurflaicw________________

6. putinr________________

7. acpnsih________________

8. sarelpy________________


Answer Key.


1. Group the following vegetables according to their color.

green red / orange
lettuce cabbage celery parsley spinach carrot radish beet

2. Match the words with the pictures.

1. e

2. a

3. c

4. f

5. b

6. d


3. Put letters in the correct order to make words.

1.  aubergine

2.  yam

3.  asparagus

4. garlic

5. cauliflower

6. turnip

7. spinach

8. parsley



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