Chapter 3
After two progress meetings with clients and stopping by at Mr Muller’s new townhouse in Holland Park to drop off some samples, I’m back in the office listening to Patrick moan about Irene. It’s a normal Monday morning affair after he’s endured a whole weekend away from the office with his wife. I really have no idea how the poor man pokes up with her. Tom breezes in with the widest grin on his face, and I know immediately he must have pulled over the weekend. ‘Darling, I’ve missed you! ’ He air kisses me and turns to Patrick, who holds his hands up in a don’t-even-think-about-it gesture. Tom rolls his eyes, completely un-offended, and waltzes to his desk. ‘Morning, Tom. ’ I greet brightly. ‘I’ve had the most stressful morning. Mr and Mrs Baines have changed their bloody minds for the thousandth time. I’ve had to cancel all the orders and rearrange a dozen workmen, ’ He waves his arms in the air in frustration. ‘I got a sodding parking ticket for not displaying a permit in a resident’s zone and, to top it off, I snagged my new jumper on them hideous railings outside Starbucks. ’ He starts picking the stray wool from the hem of his hot pink, V neck jumper. ‘God damn it, look! It’s a good job I got laid last night or I’d be in the depths of despair. ’ He grins at me. I knew it. Patrick walks away, shaking his head. His attempts to tone Tom’s gayness down to more tolerable levels have proven ineffective. He’s now given up. ‘Good night? ’ I ask. ‘Wonderful, I met the most divine man. He’s taking me to the Natural History Museum at the weekend. He’s a scientist. We’re soul mates, for sure. ’ ‘What happened to the personal trainer? ’ I ask. That was last week’s soul mate. ‘Don’t, it was a disaster. He turned up at my apartment on Friday night with the Dirty Dancing DVD and an Indian takeout for two. Can you believe that? ’ ‘I’m shocked. ’ I tease. ‘I bloody was. Needless to say, I won’t be seeing him again. What’s happening with you, darling? How’s that gorgeous ex-boyfriend of yours? ’ He winks. Tom doesn’t hide his attraction to Matt, which makes me laugh but makes Matt extremely uncomfortable. ‘He’s okay. He’s still the ex and still straight. ’ ‘Damn shame. Let me know when he comes to his senses. ’ Tom saunters off, tweaking his perfectly positioned blonde quiff. ‘Sally, I’m emailing you a design consultation fee for Mr Ward. Can you make sure you send it today? ’ ‘I will, Ava. Seven day payment terms? ’ ‘Yes, thank you. ’ I turn back to my desk and resume colour matching, reaching over to grab my phone when it starts dancing around my desk. Glancing at my screen, I nearly fall off my chair when I see the name Jesse flashing up. After a few seconds of staring, my brain finally gets the shock message and my heart commences sprint in my chest. What the hell? I never stored his number – Patrick never got round to passing it to me and after handing the project over to him on Friday, I no longer needed it. I wouldn’t be going back, and I meant it. And even so, I wouldn’t have saved his number under his first name. I hold my phone in my hand, scanning the office to see if the continuous ringing has drawn any attention from my colleagues. It hasn’t. I let it ring off. What does he want? I make for Patrick’s office to ask if he’s notified Mr Ward of the change in arrangements, but then it rings again, halting me in my tracks. I take a steady breath and connect the call. If Patrick hasn’t advised him yet, then I will. And if it doesn’t suit, it’s bad luck. I make a rubbish job of convincing myself that I’ve passed the contract over because Patrick’s more suitable for the project. I know damn well that’s only half the reason. ‘Hello. ’ I say, stamping my foot a little for sounding apprehensive in my greeting. I was aiming for sure and confident. ‘Ava? ’ His husky voice has the same impact on my weak senses as it did on Friday. But at least over the phone he can’t see me physically trembling. ‘Who’s speaking? ’ There. That sounded better – professional, business-like and steady. He laughs lightly, and it throws me completely off guard. ‘Now, I know you already know the answer to that question because my name came up on your phone, ’ I cringe on the spot. ‘Trying to play it cool? ’ Oh, the arrogant arse! How does he know that? But then realisation dawns on me. ‘You added yourself to my contacts list? ’ I gasp. When did he do that? I mentally sprint through our meeting, settling on my visit to the toilet when I left my portfolio and phone on the table. I can’t believe he went through my phone! ‘I need to be able to get hold of you. ’ Oh, no. Patrick, obviously, hasn’t told him. Nevertheless, you don’t go around snooping through strangers phones. He really is very self-assured. And storing it under Jesse? That’s a bit familiar. ‘Patrick should have contacted you, ’ I coolly inform him. ‘I’m afraid I’m unable to assist you, but Patrick will be more than happy to help. ’ ‘Patrick has been in contact, ’ he replies. I sag in relief but then frown. Why is he calling me then? ‘I’m sure he will be happy to help, but I’m less than happy to accept it. ’ My mouth gapes. Who does he think he is? He’s called to tell me he’s not happy? Oh, this man is way past arrogant. I close my gaping mouth. ‘I’m sorry to hear that. ’ I sound less than sorry; I sound irritated. ‘Are you? ’ And I’m thrown again. No, I’m not sorry. But I’m not about to tell him that. ‘Yes, I am. ’ I lie. I want to add that I could never work with an arrogant, good looking swine like him, but I refrain. That wouldn’t be very professional. I hear him sigh. ‘I don’t think you are, Ava. ’ My name sounds like velvet rolling from his lips, causing a familiar shudder to course through me. How does he know I’m not sorry? ‘I think you’re avoiding me. ’ he adds. I’m going to dislocate my jaw at this rate. He’s right. He sparks some very unwelcome feelings in me, and the fact I know he’s involved with someone else has not helped one iota. ‘Why would I do that? ’ I ask cockily. That should shut him up. ‘Well, because you’re attracted to me. ’ ‘Excuse me? ’ I splutter. His self-assuredness knows no bounds. Has he no shame? The fact that he’s bang on the money is way beside the point. You would have to be blind, deaf and numb not to be attracted to this man. He’s the epitome of male perfection and, quite clearly, he knows it. He sighs. ‘I said…’ ‘Yes, I heard you, ’ I interrupt him. ‘I just can’t believe you said it. ’ I slump in my chair. I’ve never known anything quite like it. I’m completely stunned. The man has a significant other, and he’s flirting on the end of the phone with me? What a player! I need to turn this conversation back around to business and get off of the phone quickly. ‘I apologise for not being available to assist with your work. ’ I blurt and hang up, staring down at my phone. That was really quite rude and extremely unprofessional, but I’m completely staggered by his forwardness. Passing the contract over to Patrick is looking more and more sensible by the minute. A text arrives.
Instead, I throw my phone in my bag and go to meet Kate for lunch. ‘Christ, no. ’ I laugh. What would she recommend I say to that? It’s got me completely stumped. ‘And he’s got a girlfriend? ’ ‘Yes. ’ I nod, raising my eyebrows. She places my phone back on the table. ‘That’s a shame. ’ Is it? It actually makes things a lot easier. It totally trumps the looks and reactions he spikes in me. Kate’s far more daring than me. She would have replied with something shocking and suggestive, and probably made his jaw drop. That girl would give any bona-fide man-eater a run for their money. Not slow in coming forward, she mostly scared men off on the first date – only the strongest survive. Kate’s long, red hair is as vibrant as her personality. She’s confident, strong minded and determined. ‘Not really, ’ I muse, picking up my cheeky lunchtime wine and taking a sip. ‘Anyway, it’s only been four weeks since Matt and I split up. I don’t want any men in my life, not in any capacity. ’ I like the fact that I sound resolute. ‘I’m enjoying being single and carefree for the first time ever. ’ I add. And it really does feel like the first time ever. I was with Matt for four years and previous to that, I was in a three year relationship with Adam. ‘Have you seen the prick? ’ Kate face distorts into one of disgust at the mention of my ex’s name. She can’t stand Matt and was delighted when I split up with him. Kate catching him at it with a work colleague in a taxi only confirmed what I already knew. I don’t know why I ignored it for so long. When I confronted him calmly, he fell apart with apologies and nearly fell over when I told him I wasn’t bothered. I really wasn’t, much to my own surprise. The relationship had run its course, and Matt was of the same opinion. It’s all been very amicable, much to Kate’s disgust. She wants flying plates and police intervention. ‘No. ’ I confirm. ‘We are having fun, aren’t we? ’ She grins as the waitress approaches with our lunch. ‘I’m just going to the loo. ’ I get up, leaving Kate dowsing her chips in mayonnaise. After using the toilet, I stand in the mirror re-applying my lip gloss and fluffing my hair. It’s behaving today, so it’s down and tumbling all over my shoulders. I brush down my black capri pants and pick a few hairs off my cream blouse. My phone rings as I make my way back to the bar. I drag it from my bag, rolling my eyes when I see it’s him again. He’s probably wondering where my reply to his inappropriate text message is. I’m not playing games with him. ‘Reject. ’ I huff at my phone, stabbing at the red button and stuffing it in my bag as I continue down the corridor. ‘Oh God, I’m Sorry! ’ I splutter, slamming straight into a chest. This chest is a very firm chest, and the intoxicating fresh water scent that’s washing over me is way too familiar. My legs refuse to move, and I know what I’m going to see if I look up. His arm is already wrapped around my waist to steady me, my eyes level with the top of his chest. I can see his heart beating through his shirt. ‘Reject? ’ he says softly. ‘I’m wounded. ’ I push myself away from his grasp, attempting to regain my composure. He looks stunning, wearing a charcoal suit and crisp white shirt. I laugh at myself and my inability to get my eyes past his upper body for fear of being hypnotised by the potency of this man’s sludgy gaze. ‘Is something funny? ’ he asks. I suspect he’s frowning at my random outburst, but because I refuse to look at him, I can’t confirm that. ‘I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going. ’ I side step him, but he grabs my elbow, halting my escape. ‘Just tell me one thing before you leave, Ava. ’ His voice prickles at my senses, and I find my eyes travelling up the leanness of his body until our stares meet. His face is serious, but still stunning. ‘How loud do you think you’ll scream when I fuck you? ’ WHAT? ‘Excuse me? ’ I manage to splutter around the lead that is my tongue. He half smiles at my shock, placing his index finger under my chin and pushing my gaping mouth shut. ‘I’ll leave that one with you. ’ He releases my elbow. I flash him a displeased scowl before I walk back to the table as steadily as my boneless legs will allow. Did I really just hear him right? I slide myself onto the chair, immediately glugging down my wine to try and moisten my parched mouth. When I look up at Kate, she’s openmouthed, exposing half chewed chips and bread. It’s not attractive. ‘Who the fuck is that? ’ she mumbles around her food. ‘Who? ’ I look around, simulating unawareness. ‘Him, ’ Kate points with her fork. ‘Look! ’ ‘I saw, and I don’t know. ’ I grate. Drop it! ‘He’s coming over. You sure you don’t know him? Fuck, he’s hot! ’ She looks at me. I shrug. Please, go away. Go away, go away! I pick up a stray piece of lettuce from my BLT and start nibbling at the edges. I’m tense all over, and I know he’s getting closer because Kate’s gaze is lifting upwards to accommodate his height. I wish she would shut her bloody gaping mouth! ‘Ladies, ’ His low, throaty voice prickles at my skin, doing nothing to relax me. ‘Hi, ’ Kate spits, chewing rapidly to rid her mouth of the obstruction to speech. ‘Ava? ’ he prompts. I wave my piece of lettuce at him to acknowledge his presence but without having to look at him. He laughs lightly. Out the corner of my eye, I see his body slowly lowering until he’s squatting at the table next to me, but I still refuse to look at him. He rests one arm on the table, and I hear Kate cough and splutter on the remnants of her food. ‘That’s better, ’ he says. I can feel his breath on my cheek. Reluctantly, I look up through my lashes and find Kate gawking at me – all wide eyed and yes-he’s-still-there-talk-you-idiot! I can think of nothing to say. Once again, this man has rendered me useless. I hear him sigh. ‘I’m Jesse Ward, pleased to meet you. ’ I see his hand reach across the table. Kate takes it eagerly. ‘Jesse? ’ she splutters. ‘Oh! Jesse, ’ I can feel her glaring at me accusingly. ‘I’m Kate. Ava mentioned you have a posh hotel. ’ I scowl across the table. ‘Oh, she mentioned me? ’ he asks softly. I don’t have to look at him to know he’s displaying a smug, satisfied face at this news. ‘I wonder what else she’s mentioned. ’ ‘Oh, this and that, ’ Kate flips casually, but it’s too late to back track on her previous statement. I throw her my filthiest look. ‘This and that. ’ he counters softly. ‘Yes, this and that. ’ Kate affirms. Fed up of the pointless little exchange that they both seem to be enjoying, I take the situation into my own hands, turning my eyes onto him. ‘It was nice to see you, goodbye. ’ Our eyes latch immediately, and I’m ruined by his sludgy green eyes, all hooded, dark and demanding. I can feel his breath waver and it draws my eyes away from his, but only to his mouth. His lips are moist, slightly parted, and his tongue slowly creeps out of his mouth, running a leisurely path across his bottom lip. I can’t take my eyes off him. Without any encouragement at all, my own tongue responds with a happy little adventure across my bottom lip. It betrays my effort to appear emotionless…unaffected. I’m so affected. This is crazy. This…whatever this is…it’s just crazy. He’s over confident and arrogant, but probably has the right to be. I desperately do not want to be affected by this man. ‘Nice? ’ He leans forward, grasping my thigh, causing hot liquid lava to flood my groin. I shift my legs, squeezing my thighs together to restrict the pulsation that threatens to break out into a full, hard throb. ‘I could think of lots of words, Ava. Nice is not one of them. I’ll leave you to consider my question. ’ Oh, good Lord! I gulp as he leans into me at half height, pressing his damp lips against my cheek, holding his kiss forever. I clench my teeth in an effort not to turn into him. ‘Soon. ’ he whispers. It’s a promise. He releases my tense thigh and rises. ‘It was nice to meet you, Kate. ’ ‘Hmmm, you too. ’ she responds thoughtfully. He strides off towards the back of the bar. Good God, he walks with purpose and it’s sexy as hell. I close my eyes to mentally gather my wits, which are currently dispersed all over the bar floor. It’s completely hopeless. I turn back to Kate, finding accusing bright blues gawking at me like I’ve just sprouted fangs. Her eyebrows hit her hairline. ‘Fuck me, that was intense! ’ she spits across the table. ‘Was it? ’ I start pushing my sandwich around my plate. ‘You better stop with the blah-fucking-zay shit now, or I’ll shove this fork so far up your arse, you’ll be chewing metal. What question are you considering? ’ Her tone is fierce. ‘I don’t know, ’ I brush her off. ‘He’s attractive, arrogant and has a girlfriend. ’ I try for vague. Kate lets out a long, over amplified whistle. ‘I’ve never experienced that before. I’ve heard of it but never witnessed it. ’ ‘What are you on about? ’ I snap. She leans across the table, all serious. ‘Ava, the sexual tension batting between you and that man was so fucking super charged, even I was horny! ’ She laughs. ‘He wants you bad. He couldn’t have made it any clearer if he’d have spread you on that pool table. ’ She points, and I actually look. ‘You’re imagining things. ’ I snort. I know she’s not, but what can I say? ‘I’ve seen the text, and now I’ve seen the man in the flesh. He’s hot…for an older guy. ’ She shrugs. ‘I’m not interested. ’ ‘Ha! You keep telling yourself that. ’ I scowl across the table at my best friend. ‘I will. ’ ‘Let me know how that works out for you. ’ she shoots back, rather flippantly.
How loud? I’m stunned! I’m happy and enjoying my new found freedom, and I have no intention of derailing my plans to be single and carefree. I’m not getting caught up with a handsome stranger, no matter how handsome he is. And oh, is he mind meltingly delicious. Anyway, he’s way too old for me. And more importantly, he’s obviously taken. And that only reinforces the fact that he’s an ultimate player. This is not the sort of man I need to be attracted to, damn me, especially after Matt and his infidelities. I need a man, eventually, who’ll be faithful, protective and look after me – preferably a bit nearer my age too. How old is he? My phone declares a text, making me jump and snapping me from my wandering thoughts. I already know who it is before I look.
It should be obvious why I’m not answering my bloody phone. I don’t want to talk to him. He unnerves me, triggering too many reactions. And, quite frankly, I don’t trust my body around him. It seems to respond to his presence with no prompt from me or my brain, and that could be very dangerous indeed. My phone rings again and I quickly reject it. Christ, give me a chance to reply! Am I even going to reply? I’m never going to get rid of him. I need to be brutal.
I watch as my screen lights up again. I snatch it up, silencing it before it draws attention. I open my top drawer, drop it in and slam it shut on a huff. He’ll get the message. I make a meager attempt to carry on with some work, but I’m far too distracted. Strange words – all having no place in work related correspondence – are appearing in my emails as I absentmindedly tap away at my keyboard. The office phone rings. Glancing up, I see Sally away from her desk, so I answer. ‘Good afternoon, Rococo Union. ’ ‘Don’t hang up! ’ he blurts down the phone. I sit up straight in my chair. Even his urgent voice prickles my skin. Get the message, he will not. He’s really quite thick skinned. ‘Ava, I’m really very sorry. ’ ‘You are? ’ I can’t hide the surprise in my voice. Jesse Ward doesn’t look like the kind of man to offer apologies willy-nilly. ‘Yes, really, I am. I’ve made you feel uncomfortable. I’ve overstepped the mark by a long shot. ’ He sounds sincere enough. ‘I’ve distressed you. Please accept my apology. ’ I wouldn’t say I was distressed by his bold behavior and comments. Shocked would be more apt. Some people might even admire his confidence, I suppose. ‘Oh, okay, ’ I say hesitantly. ‘So, you don’t want to make me scream or gag me? ’ ‘Ava, you sound disappointed. ’ ‘Not at all, ’ I blurt. There’s a brief silence before he speaks again. ‘Can we start again? I’ll keep it professional, of course. ’ Oh no. He might be sorry, but that doesn’t extinguish the affect he has on me. And it doesn’t escape my thoughts that this is just a ploy to get me back on side so he can recommence pursuing me. ‘Mr Ward, I’m really not the right person for this job, ’ I swivel in my chair to check if Patrick’s in his office. He is. ‘Can I transfer you to Patrick? ’ I push, mentally pleading for him to take the hint. ‘It’s Jesse. You make me feel old when you call me Mr Ward. ’ he grumbles. I slam my mouth shut when my lips part and that question nearly falls out. I’m still intrigued on that subject, but I’m not going to ask again. ‘Ava, if it makes you feel better, you can deal with John. What would be the next stage? ’ Oh? Would it make me feel better? Big guy has intimidation in equal measure to Wards boldness. I’m not sure I would feel any more comfortable with his offer to replace himself with John. But the fact he’s prepared to do this, tells me he really does want me to do the designs and that, I suppose, is a compliment. The Manor will be a great addition to my portfolio. ‘I would need to measure the rooms and draw up some schemes. ’ I spit the words out impulsively. ‘Perfect, ’ He sounds relieved. ‘I can get John to take you around the rooms. He can hold your tape measure. Tomorrow? ’ Tomorrow? He’s keen. As it happens, I can’t. I’ve got various appointments dotted across the day, and Wednesday’s out too. ‘I can’t do tomorrow or Wednesday, I’m sorry. ’ ‘Oh, ’ he says quietly. ‘Do you do evenings? ’ Oh, do I? Well, I don’t like doing evenings, but many clients work nine to five jobs and are unavailable during the working day. I prefer evenings to weekends. I never get dragged into weekend appointments. ‘I can do tomorrow evening. ’ I blurt, turning the page in my diary to tomorrow. My last appointment is at five with Mrs Kent. ‘Seven-ish? ’ I ask, already pencilling him in. ‘Perfect. I would say that I’ll look forward to it, but I can’t look forward to it because I won’t be seeing you. ’ I can’t see him, but I know he’s probably grinning. I can hear it in his tone. He just can’t help himself. ‘I’ll let John know to expect you at seven. ’ ‘-ish, ’ I add. I don’t know how long it’ll take me to get out of the city at that time of day. ‘-ish, ’ he confirms. ‘Thank you, Ava. ’ ‘You’re welcome, Mr Ward. Goodbye. ’ I hang up and commence tapping my fingernail on my front tooth. ‘Ava? ’ Patrick calls from his office. ‘Yes? ’ I swing my chair to face him. ‘The Manor, they want you, flower. ’ He shrugs, returning to his computer screen. No, he wants me.