Reading practice-Гласные в корне слова –посмотрите, проверьте себя -всё легко –Reading practice-Гласные в корне слова –посмотрите, проверьте себя -всё легко – Lake, cake, lamp (ЛАМПА), laugh – сложное слово [la: f], here(здесь), there (там), their (их), AIR, ARE [a: ], THERE ARE, hair, bear, deer, beer, TO WEAR, boring, board, a skateboard, breakfast, head, health, to break [ei], brick, to break a brick, big, the biggest, street, steam, to stole (не стол), bookshelves, to look, room, zoom, short, to shoot, a ruler, to rule, rally, rainy, band, bed, sand, bad, in the bedroom, battle, box, fox, jokes, bush, to push, next, to relax, joy, toy, to organize, mice, to understand, thing, thanks, think, though (хотя, все таки), to move, movie, a motive, a motivation script, abroad, bunny, Honey Bunny, a road, money, many, more, crew, clew, key, see, Sam, sound, round, pound, to be around, soup, salt, cinema, put, rude, weapon, wisdom, wind, wonder, worry, won, one, gone. M a n (человек, мужчина), to ski (кататься на лыжах), Summer, Autumn, August, a Summer camp, a tent, a trend, sand, land, fake, snake, to shake, a milkshake, a milk shaker, a fact, a pot, a parrot, place, Palace, coin, corner, the same, name, came, come, done, do, too, two, to wash, fresh, cash, fish, dish, to distinguish – различать, отличать, flash, mash, die, tie, lie, shells, shower, a shoulder, should, would, wood, could, mood, wrong, selfishness, blackness, kindness, lime, prime time, since, science, field, shall, want, won’t, sell, Sally, sense, soon, silk, silver, celebrity, struggle, environment, entertainment, intelligent, amazing, attractive, effective, awful, dull, the best from the West, conclusion, situation, solution, vocabulary, translation, son, Sun, one, done, -не cон, once, twice, three time(s) a day, many, money, honey, more, law, saw, was, miracle, mirror, juice, jam, a traffic jam, chimney, Chemistry, fume, flute, bought, caught, a lot, what, dot, brought, rat, swimming, dreaming, running, a journal, a magazine, a shop, a butcher – кто это, eight, nine, night, flight, bright, might, either, wiser, hunter, harmony, eagle, winkle, a tie cry, key(2), new, dew, dew to the point of self-esteem, drove, drank, dust, dragon, diamond, woody, sandy, right, rail-way, rugby, to burn, to be born, mathematics, the main, May, say, luxury, baggage, huge, hug, class, glass, vase, neighborhood, knee, know, knock, knives, shadow, dawn, down, toe, shoe, occasion, accident, clams, to climb, chapter, chamber -кто это, branch, bridge, puppet, pure, thunder, shrimp, ship, diving-dress, capable, cap, elevation, eighty hundred and ten percent of the goods, hungry, full, sad, said, set, slow, sour, flower, bow, cow, how, now, hit, hot, Greek, Cyprus, dreamt, learnt, heart, hole, the whole, everyone, both, thought, say, k, berry, to carry, to believe, to save, a safe life, to save lives, to live in Paris, to envy, an envelope, great, green, glory – различать проводить соответствие в словах видеть тенденции, печатать быстро.
Wash –отличать от –watch Wish от –dish Sea- от see, saw Meat – от meeting Moon – от soon and sunny + Журнал от магазина – a magazine (журнал) Камень –a stone – от – глагола – to stole
Ещё раз 6 гласных – в корне слова – ДВОЙНОЙ-КРАТКИЙ: А [ei]эй –lake, cake, to bake -или краткий-[ æ ] – map, sand, land O [ou]оу –to note, vote, no -или краткий [ ɔ ] – краткий- not, hot E [i: ]и-долгий –knee, we -или-[ e ] краткий – red, pet, wet Ii [ai]ай*- like, Mike -или [ i ] – milk, drink, to drink milk U [ju: ] – pupil, music, student -или [ Λ ] –to run, to jump, but Yy [ai]ай*– my, shy, sky -или [ i ]и myth, syllabus – О!
если “y” в начале слов –ЙЕ, YES!!! если в конце –И, Sunny, funny, money ++ May, day, way, to say, a key [ki: ] – ключ от дома
Мы же говорим о корневой гласной и основных базовых словах в англ. Первый ряд как в алфавите – слог открытый Запомнить второй ряд – [ æ ], [Λ ], [ɔ ] – э, а, о – краткие (закрытые слоги) mad, wet, cat, dog.