Reading practice-Гласные в корне слова –посмотрите, проверьте себя -всё легко –Reading practice-Гласные в корне слова –посмотрите, проверьте себя -всё легко – Lake, cake, lamp (ЛАМПА), laugh – сложное слово [la: f], here(здесь), there (там), there are, hair, bear, deer, beer, boring, board, breakfast, to break [ei], brick, to break a brick, big, street, steam, to stole (не стол), book, to look, room, zoom, short, shot, to shoot, rule, rally, Rex, joy, toy, orange, to organize, to misunderstand, to move, movie, abroad, furniture, foxes, sound, boat, foam, cut, to put m a n (человек, мужчина), g a me, to sk a te (кататься на коньках), c a mp (лагерь), S u mmer [ Λ ], a Summer camp, l a nd, sand ++ to b a ke (выпекать), sn a ke (змея), f a ke (открытые), f a ct, f a ce, tr a ce, r a ce, pl a ce (место), учиться видеть, если “е” на конце слова - слог вероятно открытый, если слово не слишком длинное, конечное -е- никогда не читается ++, fr a me[ei] (рамка), to bl a me, the s a me (тот же самый, такой же), a fl a g[ æ ](флаг), f a ntasy, f i sh, dish, wish, shark, sharp, fl a sh (вспышка) [ æ ], spl a sh (плеск, брызги), slash, fr e sh[e] (свежий), a sh e lf (полка), a sh e ll (раковина, ракушка) SH=Ш, a book-shelf++, book-shelves, s e lfishness, s e ldom (редко), s e nse [sens](чувство), s i lk (шёлк), s i lver (серебро), s i nce [sins] – не синус, s i ngle [i], side [ai], nice, price, size, sunny, funny, money, to cry, to try, str u ggle, st u dent [ju: ], situation, symmetry, son – не сон, Jack [ æ ], jacket, John [dg ɔ n], Geometry, job, a jumper, journal, June, July – по разному, juice, journey, Jay, a cap, a cup, a carpet, red, to read, to write, written, sad, side, silly, to be ill, opening, meeting, building, white, once more to write, to watch, watches, puppy, to put, either, eight, eagle, miracle, light, bright, night, to fight, buy, bought, caught, a cat, bank, baby, to blame, flame, four, for, flower, sour, soap, road, coat, boat, what, why, shy, to show, shadow, shoes, shoulder, shower, shore, sea-shore, to see, cinema, swimming, driving, cutting, travelling, weak, a week, weekend, to worry, to be in a hurry, honey, honest, to say-said, sad once more – не море, the most, bridge, team, won, one, head, hit, health, breakfast, fast, dust, must, cast, castle, a captain, a capital, the Centre Park, science, field, manufacture, circumstances, society, to scroll, a screener, driving, dawn, down, dear, dry, dreamt, law, no, war, wardrobe, Kingston, not to sink, sing songs, Sun, son, own, bitty, bow.
Lie, tie, my, why, lining, line, fall, fill, feel, fat, flat, to get, to give, to understand, to share, sure, sugar, a grape, grapes, texture, formula, delegation, a dictation, a dog, ghost, host, the most, worse, author, temperature, to walk, chalk, done, made, gone, come, cheek, Greek, mice, nice, craft, draft, half, scarf, sell, cell, stone, one, once, shorts, skirt, skate, sky, ski, skills, scales, movable, comfortable, rich, right, rally, roll, wall, doll, hall, small, day, dark, crew, cruel, correct, currency, clever, class, drew, both, thought, say, k, berry.
Ещё раз 6 гласных –корень слова Открытые закрытые слоги - А [ei]эй –lake, cake -или краткий-[ æ ] Э- map, sand, land O [ou]оу -to note, vote -или краткий [ ɔ ]-O not, pot, slot E [i: ] и -долгий как в алфавите –to be, she -или-[ e ] краткий –red, a pet * Ii [ai]ай- like, to hike -или [ i ] – milk, to drink, wrinkle U [ju: ] - pupil, music -или [ Λ ]-to run, to jump, to hurry * Yy [ai] my, shy, sky -или [ i ]и myth, syllabus – О!
если “y” в начале слов –йе, YES!!! если в конце –и, Sunny, funny, money ++
Мы же говорим о корневой гласной и основных базовых словах в англ. Языке На запоминание