Progress test. Credit points ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Progress test Choose the correct answer: a, b or c. There is one correct point for each answer. 1) Guglielmo Marconi became a “radio star” because a) he launched the wireless-communication industry. b) made a lot of fundamental discoveries in the field of radio physics. c) assembled the first radio.
2) His most outstanding achievements belonged to the sphere of a) ship navigation . b)wireless telegraphy. с) magnetic detection.
3) Effect, invent, create, collaborate, product, act a) –ful b) –able c)–ive
4) He was the man who managed to ………………. the first radio signal across the Atlantic. a) pass b)catch c)transmit
5) His persistent wish to pursue this objective helped Guglielmo Marconi launch the wireless-communication industry. a) purpose b)position c)interests
6) Despite the lack of formal education he took a keen interest …. physical and electrical science. a) with b)in c)of
7) Не presented the results of his famous experiment he already ………….. … in his influential paper in 1980s. a) has described b)described c)had described
8) Before the first beam station was erected, there …….. ……. some proposals to use this system as a means of Imperial communications. a) had been b)were c)have been
Credit points