I. SubstitutethewordsgiveninitalicsbytheirequivalentsfromyourTargetLanguage. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 I. SubstitutethewordsgiveninitalicsbytheirequivalentsfromyourTargetLanguage. 1. Theirlifebecamehard; theyhadto receive and use money that belonged totheirfriendsand promised to give it back to them later. 2. The name and address of hiswifewaswrittenontheletterandhadanAustralianstamp. 3. Whenhecamehomehesawthewell known/ easilyrecognizedfaceofhisfriend. 4. Herhusband'sskin became lighter than usual because he was shocked and worried 5. He will change a legaldocument that explains what he wants to happen to his money and possessions after he dies. 6. Hesaidhewasvery happy, toseehisfriend. 7. Hereceived property or money from his uncle who died. 8. Soanothermanwashiredandhewaswithout a job. 9. " Sotherewasa goodreasonforreadingthosetwolettersafterall, " hethoughttohimself. 10. Theletterswereobviouslylost. 11. Hiswifewasfrankastheday, a very impressive and very goodhousekeeper. 12. Hedidnottaketheletterwhenhewasatworkasthepeoplehewasworkingwithcouldseehimdoit. 13. Thefactthatthismanhadyearsbackgoneawaytojoinhisandhissister'suncledidn'thave a effectonhim. 14. I havefeltsad about all of you because you’re not with me any more. 15. Nomaneverhadlesscauseforjealousythanhe.