Work description
| Help and work on quite a diverse organic/biodynamic farm in the main production season. As we occupy ourselves with the production of 40+ kinds of vegetables (0, 7 ha in the field + 300m2 in greenhouses), fruits (5 ha apple orchard + 0, 2 ha of small berries) and field crops (3 ha of fields with a 7-fold crop rotation) no working day is the same. So the work includes sowing and transplanting vegetables, weeding and hoeing them, watering plants, picking vegetables, transplating fruit trees/bushes, picking fruits (berries, apples, ... ), help with harvesting of field crops, processing fruits and vegetables, processing of grains (pasta, bread, flour, ... ), ... At the same time we sell our produce/products through a CSA (Community Supporte Agriculture) system/community, which means, that we prepare vegetable, grain and fruit boxes every week and deliver them to our customers. There are also plans to build some small sustainable buildings in the farm surroundings this year – so help with that is also planned. Usually we work on week-days and Saturdays, whereas Sundays are free.
We are a family of 2 adults with 3 small children (age 1-5).
Ureditev prehrane, nastanitve
| Accomodation is in an adjacent building (next to our house) with own room and toilet. Food is provided with our family (so at least 3 meals/day, whereas in the working season there are additional 2 food /drink breaks in between).