


Случайная статья

Snakes and ladders



Let’s Talk 1: Units 1–4

1. Talk about your hometown.

2. Talk about your family.

3. What time is it?

4. What's your favorite kind of weather?

5. Introduce yourself.

6. Introduce a classmate.

7. What do you do in your free time?

8. When is your birthday?

9. How do you spell your last name?

10. Say the alphabet.

11. Which sports are popular in your country?

12. What's your name?

13. What country do you want to visit?

14. What do you like to do when it rains?

15. What do you like to wear on weekends?


Snakes and ladders

Procedure: Divide the class into groups of four students. Give each group one game board, one die, and

four tokens.

Position all the students' tokens on the square marked " Start. " The first student to play rolls the die. His or

her token advances the number of squares indicated on the die. If the square asks a question or requests

information, the student should answer the question or provide the necessary information. There are no

right or wrong answers. Students should be encouraged to give thoughtful, complete answers.

If a token lands in a square at the bottom of a ladder, it immediately advances to the top of the ladder,

where the student should respond to the question or request in that square. If a token lands in a square

that contains the head of a snake, it slides back to the square at the tail of the snake. (The token makes no

extra move if it lands on a square at the top of a ladder or on the tail of a snake. )

If a token moves to a square that does not have a question or request, the student gets to stay on the

square without answering a question or giving information.

After the first student completes his or her turn, the other students roll the die in turn. The first student to

reach the square marked " Finish" is the winner.

Option: As a bonus for answers that show creativity, thoughtfulness, or extra effort, you (or other players)

can choose to advance a player an agreed-upon number of squares.



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