Samuel Green. Skills. Tankerman. 2016- PresentСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Samuel Green 450 Elm Street, Miami, FL 33333 E: sgreen@email. com P: 444-333-0000 |Professional Summary| Energetic seaman seeking to serve as member of tanker crew. Certified tankerman authorized to work on vessels containing oil. Experienced operator of all ship equipment, including navigation tools and engine and weather monitoring devices. Diligent worker, performing job tasks thoroughly and efficiently. Motivated to follow orders and ensure the objectives of the journey are met. Encourage crew members to perform their best work and exceed standards of cleanliness and safety. Skills – Meticulous inspector, often catching significant flaws in lashing and rigging that would cause problems if left unnoticed. – Able to read and understand temperature and pressure gauges, record data, analyze information, and respond appropriately. – Strong working memory and processing speed, enabling me to accurately monitor multiple systems simultaneously. – Problem solver with dependable critical thinking skills. Particularly useful for troubleshooting and repairing equipment malfunctions. – Calm demeanor enables me to make good decisions in high-pressure situations. |WorkExperience| Tankerman 2016- Present
· Ensure that engines, controls, moving equipment, and cargo are prepared and secured in compliance with trade regulations. · Secure ship to docks and wharves and enact proper docking protocols. · Follow captain’s orders during storms to accomplish safe passage through turbulent waters. · Develop space-saving protocols for loading cargo materials. Have increased available storage space and brought ship to maximum hauling capacity. · Perform engine maintenance and repairs to ensure that ship functions optimally. · Bolster crew camaraderie while at sea by getting to know all crew members and initiating conversations between members who had not previously associated.