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Nobel Prize 2019 in economics for research of approaches to fighting against poverty


Аспирантура 7 ноября 2020 г.


Артикли: географическиеназвания (The Himalayas, the Pacific Ocean, the Volga, the lake Michigan, the Caribbean islands, the Crimea, the Middle East, the north/ the south/the east/the west…)

множественноечислосущ.: (научнаялексикаизлатыни): aphenomenon – phenomena,

a criterion – criteria, a datum – data, /// неисчисляемыесущ. advice (some advice) – a piece of advice, information – a piece of information, furniture – a piece of furniture, восприятиеформыотличаетсяoтрус. яз.: money is evil/ the police are coming/ no news is good news.


степени сравнения прилагательных: «короткие прил. » - er/est и

«длинныеприл. » more/the most: easy – easier – the easiest/

   cheerful – more cheerful – the most cheerful///// good – better – the best…


действительный и страдательный залоги в сравнении

(I ask a teacher – I am asked by a teacher. I wrote an abstract – An abstract was written by me.



*безличныеконструкции: it is hard to understand/ it is not easy to learn a foreign language.

*сложноедополнение: We want our online education to be more quality.

   I want my parents to live long. I would like my salary to increase.

*сложноеподлежащее: Chineseis consideredto be hard to learn because of hieroglyphs.

Mathematiciansare believedto learn foreign languages easily because of their logical thinking.

Неопределенныеместоимения и их производные:

Some + any +, -, ?   no -                       

Но: some? (важноколичество): Isthereany/ somebutter in the fridge?

Add some cream in the soup if you have any/ some.

1. Don’t blame yourself for the mistakes. …. is perfect. (somebody, anybody, nobody )

2. There is … in your cup of tea. I think it’s a bug. ( something, anything, nothing)

3. He didn’t say … useful. All is nonsense. (something, anything, nothing)

4. I will do … for you. We are not friends any more. (something, anything, nothing )

5. Why are you looking at me so angrily: I didn’t do … wrong! (something, anything, nothing)

6. She did… She just slept all day long. (something, anything, nothing )

7. I have already seen this person …. ( somewhere, anywhere, wherever)

8. I am so hungry that I will eat … that you’ve cooked. (something, nothing, everything )

9. I don’t need … information about this celebrity, only peculiar facts. (some, any, every)

10. … you live, don’t forget to regularly visit your parents! (somewhere, anywhere, wherever )


Anewgrammartopic: Modality (модальная оценка происходящего, отношение говорящего к тому, о чем он говорит: нужно, следует, возможно, должно…)


Речевыеконструкции, выражающиемодальность:

It was interesting to learn that…

It is important to act …

It is necessary to keep social distancing…

It was amazing to communicate with…


Shall(в вопросе – узнать желание другого человека сделать что-то)

Shall I help you? (can I help you? ) Shall we go to the cinema? (Let’s go to the cinema)

Shall I summarize the article or write an abstract? (Must I …. )

Shall we dance?


Will (сильное желание сделать что-то, решимость)

I will do it. I won’t do it. Iwilltry. I won’t even try.

Will (в вопросе – вежливая, но настойчивая просьба сделать что-то)

Will you move? Will you close the door? Will you answer my questions?

(Could you move/ could you close the door/ could you answer my question? )


Would (вежливое побуждение сделать что-то)

Would you drink a cup of herbal tea? Would you mind opening the window?



Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

Can (мочьфизиумст)/ could/ willbe able to

I can/ can’t translate without dictionaries. He will be able to drive after the test.

May (разрешение\возможность)

May I use your pen? You may come in. I may drop in tonight.

Be allowed to V: We are not allow ed to smoke inside university. (maynot)

Must (сильное долженствование, моральный долг, запрет)

We must start on time. We must respect laws. We must not cross the road when the red light ison.

Should (следует – совет, должен)

You should keep fit. You shouldn’t eat chocolate.

Haveto (долженпо обстоятельствам)

I have to support my parents because they are retired. / I must support my parents. / You should support your parents.

Let (позволить) Let me introduce myself. Let us have a break. Let him act as he wants.

Dare (сметь) How dare you behave like that?

Need to (естьнеобходимость) We needto set up a meeting. I need to go on a business trip.

*Need (нуждаться) – I need more time to finish the task. I need more money to buy a flat.

I’d rather – (предпочтение) I’drather stay at home. I’d rather not eat in the evening.

You’d better (совет) – You’d better change your job. You’d better not change your job now.

Nobel Prize 2019 in economics for research of approaches to fighting against poverty

By Heike Jayvon from the New York Times

*Award – награда, присуждатьнаграду

*NobelPrizeholder/winner - обладательпремии

What do you think about criteria of the Nobel Committee to decide to whom the prize should be awarded? Is it awarded due to political reasons, breakthroughпрорыв in science, solutions of global problems?

In my opinion, the main criterion is … because

To begin a discussion of the reasons for awarding the Nobel Prize in 2019 we need to clearly understand what poverty is and how deeply it affects the social stability of today’s society. For example, about 120 mln people in the EU live in poverty. China that is becoming the first economy of the globe is considered a poor country because a third of its population still lives in poverty. Experts suggest that the current social unrest in the richest country of the world (the US) is also caused by social problems and poverty as well.

The Economics Nobel prize, established in 1969 in memory of Alfred Nobel by the Swedish national Bank, this year was awarded to economists Abhijit Banerjee (USA), Esther Duflo (France) and Michael Robert Kremer (USA). As the Nobel Committee explained for " an experimental approach to fighting global poverty. " What are their exact proposals to fight against poverty?

The main conclusion of the Nobel laureates is that to get out of the poverty trap, people need a powerful economic push, after which they will be able to move forward on their own. There are many different options.

For example, " low-cost" medical technologies should be introduced in health care.

" The primary goal of health policy in poor countries is to maximize access to preventive health care for the poor, ". " Handouts with free bleach should be placed near water sources; parents should be rewarded for vaccinating their children; children should be given free drugs and nutritional supplements at school; public investment in water supply and sanitation infrastructure is needed. "

Nobel laureates also promote " money transfers that encourage continued schooling ", strict regulation of banks that force them to lend money to socially significant projects, increased investment in infrastructure (especially in villages where poor citizens live), providing " good jobs" by subsidizing the movement of people from villages to cities, and much more.

It should be noted that not everyone in the scientific community supported the recommendations of Banerjee and Duflo. Critics point out that most third-world cities already have more migrants than good jobs, so the macroeconomic basis for such a recipe looks dubious. But the main complaint is that the winners practically do not consider the financial basis of their proposals.

It is not clear whether all this can be implemented without a collapse of state budgets and how to avoid corruption, which will only increase the separation between the poor and the rich after the implementation of the Banerjee and Duflo program of measures. And the desire to present the development of micro-loans as an effective alternative to a stable financial system of the state is absolutely unconvincing.

Do you agree that these proposals are obvious for everyone but still they were awarded a Prize? What is unique in these proposals?




Некоторые в этом месте аннотации делают маленькую ошибочку (about или that)

***It makes a conclusion about …. (about +сущ)

It makes a conclusion about the necessity of powerful economic push.

It makes a conclusion that +придаточноепредложение)

It makes a conclusion that powerful economic pushis needed.



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