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Paris (France).. personal information. Work experience


Golf (from the English. golf) is a mens Olympic sport, in which individual participants or teams try to drive a little ball with blows of sticks into the special holes. What is important, the ball needs to roll in the hole in fewer strokes.

The history and development of Golf Exact date when Golf is not known but it is believed that it was invented by Scottish shepherds who tried their staves to throw stones at the rabbit hole. Although many historians disagree with this, it is believed that Golf originated in the Roman Empire and this game played with curved sticks and a ball stuffed with feathers. Other theories of the Golf appeared in China during the Ming dynasty, it says a scroll with the image of the Emperor, However, modern Golf comes from Scotland. The first mention of the game is the decree of 1457 the king of Scotland James II banning Golf because it distracted the archers from learning. There was also invented the rules and the system with 18 holes on the field.

In 1900, Golf was first included in the Olympic games program in

Paris (France).

The rules of Golf (briefly) Before starting the game you must do the following: Read the local rules of the game. Put on the ball of the identification mark. This is necessary in order to enable you to identify your ball from all the rest. If the ball has not been identified, it is considered lost. Check the number of clubs permitted to have no more than 14 pieces. The game of Golf begins from the starting zone or as it is called zone " ti". It is so named because of the T-shaped stand, which is fitted to the ball. Ideally, the player with the first shot should send the ball into the main area, then for a few strokes to overcome it and send the ball on a platform with perfect grass (" green" ). In order to throw the ball in the hole off the green you must use a special club — putter.

In addition to the standard rules in Golf there are rules of etiquette: please from playing while the ahead group has not left on safe distance. Never delay the game. Free " putting-green" immediately after all the players in your group have passed the hole. Skip forward a band playing faster than you. Restore the turf. Leveled footprints in bunkers. Do not stand on the line of putting the other partner does Not make the putter on the putting green. Insert the flag into place neatly. Golf Golf course has to meet certain requirements, namely to consist of a series of holes, each hole should have its launch pad. On the launch pad there are two tags that show the boundaries of the permissible area for installation of a peg for the ball. In addition to the launching pad on the field are: a smooth field, rough field, and other obstacles.

The final part of the site is hole, which for convenience, the orientation is marked with a flag. The hole is placed on the area with minimal grass height, which is called " green. " In other areas the grass height ranges, this is done in order to hinder the passage of players of the site. Typically, the holes are placed in the line of sight from the tee to the green. But it is not always the case, if the holes deviate to the left or right, such holes is called a " dogleg left" and " right dogleg" respectively. If the direction is bent twice, the hole is called a " double dogleg". The grounds consist of 18 holes, but there are sites with 9 holes, in such a situation their pass two times, which amounts to the same 18 holes.

Inventory and equipment for Golf will Begin a review of Golf equipment with clubs. The player can bring to the game no more than 14 Golf clubs, each of them designed to perform a specific shot. Golf clubs are divided into two types: " Wood" (woods) is a putter designed to take shots at the maximum distance, as a rule, these are the first strikes. They are called " wood" (eng. " wood" ) a wood head, but the woods made from metal alloys based on titanium. " Iron" (irons) – Golf clubs intended to take shots at various distances, depending on the position of the ball. Clubs under this name because their head is made of metal.


In addition to the material of the stick is a different shape heads. So for beats for a short distance and high trajectory clubs use the " pitching wedge" (Klin), the angle of these sticks is 50-60 degrees. If a shot must be performed from the bunker with sand, is suitable stick " sand wedge", it has a heavy sole and a special form. For finishing blows, the players use a stick called " putter" (putter), it is designed specifically for punches on a flat surface with great precision. In the group " wood" and " iron" clubs are numbered depending on the angle between the shaft and the front striking surface of the head. The smaller the number, the longer the potential path of impact. The difference in the length of the slashing of the adjoining rooms is about 10 meters. Another important piece of equipment Golf balls. They should have the following characteristics: diameter of 4. 27 cm, weight within the 41-46 grams, the surface of the ball must have 300-500 hollows (the more hollows, the higher the ball flies),


Considering Golf balls, it should be mentioned the increased " compression". In simple words, the compression is the level of deformation of the ball at impact. Its symbolic value varies from 0 (the ball is greatly deformed when shock) to 200 (the ball does not deform on impact). Most balls have compression 80-100 (compressed 2-3 mm when struck). Construction of the balls may consist of one, two, three or more layers of components. Single-layer balls because of its low cost is ideal for training beginners. Two-layer balls consist of a solid core and a thin hard shell. They combine low cost, durability and range, so is suitable for most golfers. Three-layer balls have the winding of the elastic yarn over the elastic or gel-like core. These balls can be very twisted sometimes this is very beneficial for athletes. In four-balls there is an additional layer between braid and shell. The potential for such goals can only reveal professionals. Golf tournaments among the most prestigious and popular professional tournaments include: Olimpiiskie games. Golf was included in the program of the Olympic games in 2016, before that, Golf was on the Olympic games only 2 times (1900, 1904).






personal information

Name/ Тегі, аты-жө ні/Фамилия, имя

Address/ Мекенжайы / адрес.

E-mail/эл. почта, телефон/ эл. пошта, телефон

Goal/ Мақ саты/Соискатель на должность/

Native language/Анатілі/Роднойязык

Foreign languages/Шеттілдері /Иностранныеязыки

Computerskills/Компьютерлікдағ дылар/Компьютерные навыки

educational background

Dates /Мерзімі/Даты

Name of education school/ ЖОО/ Вуз

Faculty/ Факультет

The mains ubjects/негізгі пә ндер/основные дисциплины/

Qualification received/ Біліктілігі мамандық /Полученнаяквалификация

Averagegrades/Орташа балы/Средний балл

educational background



Name of school/Мектептің атауы/Название школы

Subjects/негізгі пә ндер/основные дисциплины

Qualification /Мамандығ ы/


Average grades/Орташа балы/ Средний балл


Месяц ___, 2015

Work experience


Company name/ Ұ йымның атауы/Организация/



Должность/ Обязанности/

Professionalskills& personalabilities/Кә сібидағ дыжә недербессапалар /Профессиональные навыки и личные качества

Personalachievements/Жеке жетістіктері/ Личные достижения

European format for the curriculum vitae     Volohovich Michael c. Kostanay zen-zen03@mail. ru Student Russian English There are   1. 09. 2017 KSPI Physical culture of sports and tourism Track and field   The second category 1. 09. 2005-25. 05. 2017 Secondary school number 2 Phusics. Matematics Student FBI Invistigator detective   Intelligence, agility The Star of the World GPA = ___      




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