


Случайная статья

Remember the words.



     Before I entered the Institute I had to get a certificate of health. Now let me tell you about my visit to the district polyclinic.

     When I came to the polyclinic I went to the registry first. A registering clerk on duty asked my name and address, and found my patients card. Several specialists had to examine me, so the medical examination took me about two hours. The doctors including a therapeutist, a neurologist and others had to listen to my heart and lungs; they had to check my kidneys, liver stomach, eye-sight, and hearing. Besides they had to make my blood analysis, take my blood pressure, and X-ray me, too.

     Our district doctor is an experienced therapeutist. She usually makes a correct diagnosis and prescribes a proper treatment. The doctor sees her patients in Consulting Room 8. Her consulting hours are from 8 till 12. I had an appointment with our district doctor for 10 o’clock. When I entered the room the doctor asked me to take a seat. She wanted to know what my troubles were. I didn’t complain of anything. Yet the doctor asked me to strip to the waist and listened to my heart and lungs. She also felt my pulse and took my blood pressure. They were normal. Then the doctor asked me to lie down on the coach and palpated my abdomen. After that the nurse asked me to take my temperature. She gave me a thermometer, which I had to keep in my armpit for about ten minutes. At that time the doctor began to fill in my patient’s card and asked me what diseases I had suffered in my childhood. I answered that I had suffered scarlet fever, measles and chicken-pox in my childhood.

     But I must say that I am rather a healthy person as I always take care of myself. I go in for sports and I am out in the open air as much as possible. But when I do catch a bad cold and feel rotten, I stay in bed for at least some days. If I cough, sneeze or am running a high temperature I always follow the treatment to recover as soon as possible.

     When the doctor finished his thorough examination I went to an X-ray room where my chest was X-rayed. The results were normal and didn’t reveal any heart or lung troubles. In the laboratory where I came next, the nurse took some blood from my finger for analysis. When my blood analysis was ready it revealed normal findings. The next day I received my health certificate. It stated that I was healthy and could enter the Institute.



Remember the words.


  catch a (bad) cold to check chicken-pox to complain of consulting hours consulting room to cough disease eye-sight to examine a patient to feel the pulse to follow the treatment to have an appointment with… for … to have a sore throat to have a thermometer in one’s armpit health certificate to make smb’s blood analysis to make a diagnosis measles medical examination neurologist patient’s card to prescribe registry registering clerk to reveal scarlet fever to see a patient to sneeze to strip to the waist to suffer (from) to take smb’s blood pressure to take care of therapeutist thoroughly to X-ray         (сильно) простудиться проверять ветрянка жаловаться на приёмные часы приёмный кабинет кашлять болезнь зрение осматривать больного измерить пульс следовать лечению записаться на приём к… на иметь больное горло держать термометр под мышкой справка о здоровье делать анализ крови ставить диагноз корь медицинский осмотр невропатолог карточка больного прописывать регистратура регистратор обнаружить скарлатина принимать больного чихать раздеться до пояса переносить (страдать от)  




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