II. Think of and write your own end to Malcolm’s story. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 II. Think of and write your own end to Malcolm’s story. III. Match the phrases in English and Russian, find and read out the sentences with them in the text.
IV. Express the same ideas using the phrases above. 1. You should memorize these facts and remember them forever. 2. He never tells lies. 3. If I were you, I wouldn’t throw your old teddy bear away. 4. Len loved telling the children his stories of robots, taking machines and things of this kind. 5. You’ll have a lot of problems if you park your car here. 6. Don’t tell me I’m wrong: I know this for sure. 7. Tom nodded to us and went away without saying a word. 8. Mrs Brooks spoke strictly to her nice about the girl’s manners. 9. Today I want you to write a short poem, children. Let’s see if you can manage it.