English class. Introductions.. 1. Read below and complete with the information of the Angry Bird.. 2. Match the questions and the answers.. 3. Now, put the questions in order and answer about you.. 4. Personal introduction. Write a short paragraph about y ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 English class. Introductions. 1. Read below and complete with the information of the Angry Bird.
Name: _____________________________________ Surname: ___________________________________ Country: ____________________________________ Age: _______________________________________ Phone number: ________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ Favourite colour: ______________________________ Favourite football team: __________________________ 2. Match the questions and the answers.
3. Now, put the questions in order and answer about you. a) your- What´ s-? - name ______________________________________________________ b) from- you- Where-? - are ______________________________________________________ c) old- you- How- are-? ______________________________________________________ d) number- phone- What´ s- your-? ______________________________________________________ e) your-? - address- What's ______________________________________________________ f) your- football- favourite- What´ s-? - team ______________________________________________________ 4. Personal introduction. Write a short paragraph about you!
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6. Challenge! Find the colours in the WordSearch below. 8. Vocabulary: Fruits & Food. Challenge! Match the words with the picture. APPLES- PIZZA- BANANA- ICE CREAM- PEAR- CHOCOLATE- GRAPES- ORANGE- CAKE- WATER- SANDWICH- TOMATOES- MILK-BREAD
9. Now, complete with your information. I like ________________________________________________________ but I don´ t like_________________________________________________ 10. Complete the text about HAL with these words: TEAM- CHOCOLATE- PHONE- COLOUR- YEARS- USA- STREET-