The sights of my hometown
I live in Russia.
There are many sights here.
For example our roads.
This sight is all over Russia.
This is our main sight.
the next attraction I will tell you about is the Kremlin. The Kremlin is the fortified core of the historical Russian city, the Central and most ancient part of it.
The word " Kremlin" from the XIV century became widespread in North-Eastern Russia,
gradually replacing the original name Detinets. In the topography of ancient Russian cities, one or two larger roundabout cities, which were also fortified, were in most cases adjacent to the fortified Kremlin-Detinets. The undefended parts of the city were called Posadas.
Next St. Basil's Cathedral. The Cathedral unites ten churches (chapels), some of which are consecrated in honor of the saints whose memory days fell on the decisive battles for Kazan. Central Church built in honor of the virgin Mary, around which are grouped the separate Church in honor of the Holy Trinity, the Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, of St. Nicholas Velikoretsky, Three Patriarchs: Alexander, John and Paul the New, Gregory the Armenian, Cyprian and Justina, Alexander Svirskiy and Barlaam of Khutyn on the same basis-the basement and a chapel in honour of St. Basil by the name which the Church received a second, more famous name, and the Church of John the blessed, rediscovered after long neglect in November 2018.
By Vladislove