Конференция состоится в отделе библиотеки Охта Лаб, по адресу Брантовская дорога, дом 3, ТРЦ «Охта Мол».Конференция состоится в отделе библиотеки Охта Лаб, по адресу Брантовская дорога, дом 3, ТРЦ «Охта Мол». https: //pl. spb. ru/news/index. php? ELEMENT_ID=19685
19. 03 Saint Patrick celebration event of Irish Cultural Centre in Herzen Pedagogical University organized by Irish Cultural Centre
30. 03 SPELTA at OKhtaLAB More on it in vkontakte
How to Catch the Catcher in the Rye. Tatiana Ivanova’s introductory lecture on translation issues of Salinger’s famous book. Sound-reading with live music. https: //vk. com/soundreading
SPRING School of SPELTA (to be confirmed) 25th -29th Vyborg branch of Herzen Pedagogical University. In-service training for school and tertiary level teachers.
Information on April events will be sent out at the end of March. Join us on Facebook: https: //www. facebook. com/groups/145764612216222 vkontakte: https: //vk. com/spelta_spb
The main event in April - National Association of Teachers’ of English (NATE) annual conference in ITMO University 17-19 April. April 19th NATE Post-conference event. Round Table of SPELTA. The official start for SPELTA 25 years Jubilee.