Шавалюк Елена Романовна ГПИ Еnglish В1Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Шавалюк Елена Романовна ГПИ Еnglish В1 📌 Revise " Reported speech" grammar, complete 3 exercises attach screenshots with your results.
📌 Translate all personality adjectives into Russian, and complete Ex. 12B (a, b) p. 141. Serious - серьёзный Generous – щедрый Anxious – озабоченный Shy – стеснительный Easygoing – слёгкимхарактером Selfish – самовлюблённый Sociable – общительный Fun – весёлый 12a 1 – d 2 – b 3 – a 4 – c 12 b Sensible –здравомыслящий Strick –строгий Reliable –надёжный Careless –неосторожный Patient – терпеливый Fair – справедливый 1. sensible 2. confident 3. reliable 4. strick 5. careless 6. patient 7. generous 8. fair 9. creative 10. honest 11. funny 📌 Do the reading task 4 (a, b) p. 121. Answer the questions in written form: Which people in you family are you closest to? Why? Does anyone in your family have strong personality? What are they like? p. 121 (4 a, b) A Which people in you family are you closest to? Why? - In my family, the closest person to me is mom. She is close in spirit to me, we have similar tastes and she gives very valuable advice. Does anyone in your family have strong personality? What are they like? - In our family, the grandfather has the strongest personality. He is a former captain, so he constantly follows the schedule. He clearly controls our lives.