Notting Hill Carnival. Watch the video and answer the questions.. Notting Hill Carnival. Watch the video and answer the questions.Notting Hill Carnival
Watch the video and answer the questions. 1. When does the carnival happen? 2. Where does the carnival take place? 3. What are key features of this festival? 4. When did the carnival start? 5. How long does the carnival run? 6. How many people are the visitors of the festival every year? 7. What is the main event of the carnival? 8. Who arranged the first festival? 9. What happens on the Kid’s Day? 10. When did the authorities approve the carnival? 11. What are the most popular foods?
tohappen – происходить, случаться area – область, район feature – особенность currentform – нынешний вид Augustbankholiday – праздник и выходной день в последний понедельник августа highlights – важные события contest – соревнование steelband – шумовой оркестр, играющий на канистрах, бочках approval – одобрение conciliatoryapproach – более дружелюбный подход stall – прилавок jerk – вяленый
Notting Hill Carnival
Watch the video and answer the questions. 1. When does the carnival happen? 2. Where does the carnival take place? 3. What are key features of this festival? 4. When did the carnival start? 5. How long does the carnival run? 6. How many people are the visitors of the festival every year? 7. What is the main event of the carnival? 8. Who arranged the first festival? 9. What happens on the Kid’s Day? 10. When did the authorities approve the carnival? 11. What are the most popular foods?
tohappen – происходить, случаться area – область, район feature – особенность currentform – нынешний вид Augustbankholiday – праздник и выходной день в последний понедельник августа highlights – важные события contest – соревнование steelband – шумовой оркестр, играющий на канистрах, бочках approval – одобрение conciliatoryapproach – более дружелюбный подход stall – прилавок jerk – вяленый