Publication of the Conference Proceedings ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Publication of the Conference Proceedings Speakers whose abstracts have been accepted and who wish to have a publication in the Conference Proceedings should send their papers of up to 5 pages including references to nate2022ivanovo@gmail. com before April 15, 2022. The proceedings will be registered in the Russian Science Citation Index. Papers with a strong research focus will be recommended for publication in the International Journal of NATE-Russia FLER. Participation Fees NATE members – 150 RUB (online) and 450 RUB (live) NATE members – 1500 RUB (with a 72-hour teacher training course) Non-NATE members – 1000 RUB Non-NATE members – 2500 RUB (with a 72-hour teacher training course) Students and post-graduates – 100 RUB The Conference Program Committee may decline the proposals that do not meet the substantive and formal criteria.
All participants will receive official certificates of participation. Important Deadlines
To register go to https: //forms. gle/Xkg7bMcLPoZpKYkm8
Contacts Postal address: Ivanovo State University, 39 Yermak St., Ivanovo, 153025, Russia E-mail: nate2022ivanovo@gmail. com Tel/fax: +7 (4932) 93 85 53 Mobile: +7 915 844 93 34 (Ekaterina Shilova, Head of Foreign Philology Department)