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7. Money and its functions


 113. International trade is quicly growing and there is always a demand to expand the exhibition areas.

Міжнародна торгівля швидко зростає, і завжди є попит розширювати виставкові площі.

114. The number of countries and companies who take part in the exhibions is growing from year to year.

Ряд країн і компаній, які беруть участь у виставках зростає з року в рік.

115. Fairs and exhibition are usually held under various mottoes: people and progress, peace and progress and so on.

Ярмарки і виставки, як правило, проводяться під різними девізами: люди і прогресу, миру і прогресу, і так далі.

117. Exhibition provide opportunities for exchanging scientific, technological and other achievements.

Виставки надають можливості для обміну науково-технічними та іншими досягненями.

122. Every year a lot of international exhibitions and fairs are held in different countries of the world.

Кожен рік багато міжнародних виставок і ярмарків проводяться в різних країнах світу.

124. The railroads today still carry a lot of passengers and goods.

Залізниці сьогодні як і раніше перевозять багато пасажирів і вантажів.

125. International fairs and exhibitions pave the way for the consolidation of friendship among countries and nations.

Міжнародні ярмарки та виставки проклали шлях до зміцнення дружби між країнами і народами.

126. It is more common to draw up a formal written agreement before the business is started.

Вигідніше укласти формальну письмову угоду перед тим, як розпочати бізнес.

130. The first world industrial exhibition was a great success.

Перша в світі промислова виставка мала великий успіх.

7. Money and its functions

- I have a question about money and payment system if you don't mind.

What is modern money economy based on?

-Yes. Money economy based on coins and paper bills of one kind or another.

-What system was used in primitive society?

-In primitive societies a system of barter was used.

-Why was barter a very unsatisfactory system of exchange?

-Barter was a system of exchange, because in this system no money is used.

-In what from do most governments issue paper money now?

- Most governments now issue paper money in the form of bills, which are really ready to pay.

- What kind of money is being used increasingly?

- Cheks and credit cards are being used increasingly.

- What is the system of direct exchange of goods called?

- System of direct exchange somebody could exchange a sheep, for anything in the market place.


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