Key Tools to Master Challenges in Medicine?Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
Mathematical Modelling and Simulations – Key Tools to Master Challenges in Medicine? Workshop September 12, 2018 RUDN, Hall of the Academic Council, 6 Miklukho-Maklaya St. Invited professors, associate professors, assistants and graduate students of the NikolskyInstitute of Mathematics and the Medical Institute.
8. 00 - 8. 30Registration 8. 30 - 8. 45Welcome, Introduction: First Vice-Rector N. Kirabaev, First Vice- Director of MedicalInstitute M. Kantemirova.
Co-Moderators: Pavel Orgutsov& Valentin Pavlov 8. 45 - 9. 25WilliJä ger „Dare Mathematics in Medicine -Mathematical Modelling and Simulation Can Help to Understand, Diagnose and TreatSepsis. 9. 25 - 10. 05Wolf Wieland „Adipose-Derived Stem Cells and Platelet Rich Plasma in Regenerative Medicine. “„Clinical Examples“. 10. 05 -10. 45 GennadyBocharov *Mathematical Modelling in Immunology.
COFFEE-TEA-BREAK Co-Moderators: Alexander Skubachevskii& Wolf Wieland 11. 10 - 11. 50 Ralph Witzgall *Challenges Arising in CellularBiology and Disfunctions of the Kidney 11. 50 - 12. 30 VitaliVolpert *Mathematical Modelling of Cardiovascular Diseases 12. 30- 13. 10Valentin Pavlov *Challenges to Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Data Analysis Arising in Clinical Medicine LUNCHBREAK Co-Moderators: Pavel Orgutsov& WilliJä ger 14. 00-14. 30RevazSepiashvili *Challenges inImmunology, Allergology 14. 30 -15. 00ZhannaKobalava *Challenges inCardiology, Clinical Pharmacology 15. 30 - 16. 00AndreyKostin *Challenges inOncology, Radiology
COFFEE-TEA –BREAK Co-Moderators: AndreyKostin& Vitali Volpert 16. 20 - 16. 50 Pavel Orgutsov „MolecularBasics of Development MethodsandCapabilities of TargetedPrevention of HepatocellularCarcinoma“. 16. 50 -17. 30AndreyKolobov * MathematicalModelling in Oncology.
Co-Moderators: Pavel Orgutsov, Wolf Wieland, Willi Jä ger 17. 30 -18. 45 Summary, General Discussion