THE NOUN KEY. A. Krutikov ex. 4 p. 8. D. Krutikov ex. 7 p. 10. E. Krutikov ex. 10 p. 11. Replace the prepositional groups in bold type by the absolute genitive.Стр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒ THE NOUN KEY A. Krutikov ex. 4 p. 8 Give the plural of the following nouns:
a) toes, cities, heroes, pianos, photos, calves, halves, cliffs, proofs, chiefs, stitches, baths, Negroes, Hindoos, beliefs, lives, shelves, berries, valleys; b) feet, boots, oxen, foxes, men, Germans, Romans, women, mouths, mice, children, sheep, ships, geese, moose/mooses, deer, cheeses, the Burmese, the Japanese; c) crises ([ɪ s ® i: z]), phenomena ([ə n] ® [ə ]), data ([ə m ® ə ]), nucleuses/nuclei (['nju: klɪ aɪ ]), bases ([ɪ s ® i: z]), apparatus/apparatuses, corps ([kɔ: z]), criteria ([ə m ® ə ]), series, analyses ([ɪ s ® i: z]), formulas/formulae (['fɔ: mjuli: ]), antennas/antennae ([æ n'teni: ]); d) room-mate s, fellow-worker s, court s -martial, m e n-of-war, boy-messenger s, governor s -general, onlooker s, passer s -by, sister s -in-law, merry-go-round s, school-inspector s.
D. Krutikov ex. 7 p. 10 Replace the phrase by the noun in the genitive case:
a) 1. Our teacher ’s wife. 2. The commander-in-chief ’s order. 3. Mr. Rochester’s house. 4. Dickens ’ /Dickens ’s novels. 5. A bachelor ’s life. 6. A lady ’s dress. 7. My mother-in-law ’s flat. 8. St. Andrew ’s (Church). 9. Marks and Spencer ’s. b) 1. Two miles ’ distance. 2. The ship ’s crew. 3. London ’s theatres. 4. Three hours ’ interval. 5. The world ’s population. 6. The sun ’s rays. 7. America ’s best actor. 8. For convenience ’s sake. c) 1. Mary and Ann ’s mother. 2. Peter ’s and John ’s fathers. 3. Il’f and Petrov ’s novels. 4. Byron ’s and Shelly ’s poems. 5. My sister Irene ’s children. 6. Peter the Great ’s times.
E. Krutikov ex. 10 p. 11 Replace the prepositional groups in bold type by the absolute genitive.