Teachers’ Notes. Smokey the Bear can also help you to teach the imperative to elementary learners.. Commands. V+OBJ+INF ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Teachers’ Notes Smokey the Bear can also help you to teach the imperative to elementary learners. Commands Remember Smokey's rules:
Always Be Careful with fire. Train yourself in how to use fire. Never leave a campfire alone. Always keep a bucket of water and a shovel near the campfire. Have an adult put out the fire before leaving the forest. Don’t play with matches or fireworks in the forest. Circle the pit with rocks. Other structure that can be practised with Smokey The Bear: V+OBJ+INF E. g. Smokey wants people to be responsible when they use fire. Fire has many uses. Smokey wants you to be trained in the proper ways to use fire.
“It’s wrong to …” It is still wrong to play with matches, It is still irresponsible to leave fires unattended. It is stupid to throw lit cigarettes away. It is careless to use equipment without proper spark arrestors.
http: //www. smokeybear. com/natures-housekeeper. asp