ABSTRACTS SUBMISSION GUIDELINES FOR PUBLICATION AT THE CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGSСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ ABSTRACTS SUBMISSION GUIDELINES FOR PUBLICATION AT THE CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Publication of the Conference proceedings. Articles and abstracts submission guidelines REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DESIGN OF ABSTRACTS IN THE PUBLICATION AT THE CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS The IVth International Research and Practice Conference St. Petersburg The contents of the abstracts should correspond with the topics of the sessions, and be typed according to the submission guidelines. The authors present abstract of an oral presentation, typed in the text editor Word-2003 A4 (set of 16 × 24. 5 cm). The abstract should not exceed one page (2000 characters). Abstracts must be in Russian and English and must include: UDC, title, authors' data (name, academic degree, academic status, job position, organization, e-mail), the actual text. Body text style: font set - Times New Roman, font size - 12 pt, normal, line spacing - 1; indention - 1. 25 cm; ban hanging of strings; automatic word wrap; alignment - the width. Figures should be embedded in the text, the formula typed in Microsoft Equation 3. 0. Abstracts should have a clear statement of the problem, include the main results and conclusions. The file of an abstract should be named: “№ Section_Last name_Abstract. doc” (example “Section 1_Ivanov_Abstract. doc”)