scientific programme21 september 2018 ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5
XXXII. International Academy ORL-HNS Conference& X. Marius, S. Plouzhnikov Memorial Lecturs 2018 Elzenveld Conference Center Antwerp scientific programme21 september 2018 8: 00 Welcomes speech of Bert Schmelzer Cochlear Implant 8: 20 G. Tavartkiladze (Moscow/Russia): Electrically evoked responses of auditory cortex in patients with cochlear implants 8: 40 I. Srebniak (Kiev/Ukraine): Results of 15 years of cochlear implant surgery 9: 00 P. Van de Heyning (Antwerp/Belgium): Cochlear Implantation in acquired single sided deafness: 15 y of experience 9: 20 P. Skarzynski (Warsaw/Poland): Hearing preservation after cochlear implantation using different steroid therapy models 9: 40 M. Lehnhardt (Vienna/Austria): Ethical considerations in a multicultural environment 10: 00 M. Boboshko (St. Petersburg/Russia): Presbyacusis: Strategies for improving speech understanding 10: 20 Discussion 10: 50 Coffee-Break Cholesteatoma 11: 10E. Offeciers (Antwerp/Belgium): The bony obliteration technique in cholesteatoma surgery 11: 30 O. Borishenko (Kiev/Ukraine): Management of petrous bone cholesteatoma 11: 50O. Borishenko& E. Offeciers(Kiev/Ukraine / Antwerp): How to improve the functional result of tympanoplasty after mastoidectomy? 12: 10 Discussion 12: 30 Sandwich-Lunch Rhino-Sinusitis how to treat 13: 30 G. Kern (Buffalo/USA): Avoiding the unhappy patient and the ABC’s of building rapport 13: 50 S. A. Karpischenko (St. Petersburg/Russia): Revision Dacryocystorhinostomy 14: 10 Mark Jorissen (Leuven/Belgium): Endoscopic sinus surgery for ethmoidal adenocarcinoma 14: 30C. Cingi (Eskisehir/Turkey): Novel trends inendonasal rhinoplasty 14: 50R. Mö sges (Cologne/Germany): Standardization of nasal allergen challenges 15: 10 S. Vlaminck (Bruges/Belgium): Chronic Rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis: a 10 y prospective follow-up: new lessons to be learned 15: 30 G. Piskunov (Moscow/Russia): Our experience of polypous rhinosinusitis treatment 15: 50 D. Passali (Rome/Italy): Up to date on upper airways microbioma. 16: 10 L. Bellusi: (Rome/Italy): Old and new approaches to recurrent adenotonsillar infection / hypertrofie 16: 30 M. Piemonte (Undine/Italy): " Upper Airways Cough Syndrome (UACS) and Rhinobronchial Syndrome: two important challenges for the ORL Specialist" 16: 50M. Ryabova (St. Petersburg/Russia): Transoral laser Surgery of larynx cancer 17: 10 W. Keustermans (Antwerp/Belgium): CFD realisations in nose and sinuses by the physicist End of the conference and words of gratitude by Bert Schmelzer