Resolution of the General Assembly ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Sponsors: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America
Co-sponsors: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation Resolution of the General Assembly 01/001. Dope in sport as a tool of political influence
The General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, hereinafter referred to as “UNESCO”, Considering that the aim of UNESCO is to contribute to peace and security by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science and culture, Referring to existing international instruments relating to human rights, Emphasizing the importance of the problem “Dope in sport as a tool of political influence”, Guiding by moral principles of clean sport and fair play among athletes, Considering interests of all countries, Paying attention to existing documents on doping issue, for example the Copenhagen Declaration on Anti- Dope in Sport of March 2003 and the International Convention against Doping in Sport of 19th October 2005, Being highly concerned about the question how to differ politically influenced doping cases from ordinary doping cases, Invoking the further working on this problem, 1. Recommends the World Anti-Doping Agency to establish a consulting committee, which will share their experience and knowledge with other countries in the field of dope fighting. This committee should consist of ten representatives from states, which are not involved in dope use, according to the WADA’s data; 2. Invokes to bring more awareness to the participants(coaches, medical staff and athletes) of the prohibited list of sport events with the help of UNESCO, WADA and National Anti-Doping Organizations and Regional Anti-Doping Organizations (NADOs and RADOs); 3. Condemns taking several working positions by people, who take positions in other sport organizations at the same time, and strongly insist on reconsidering WADA’s system of assignment to positions in its main bodies and branches; 4. Encourages WADA’s cooperation with the World Custom Organization (the WCO) in order to prevent dope traffic; 5. Calls to create WADA’s prohibited list’s website with a searching system; 6. Suggests the Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) to make a list of permitted medicine and to include it to the WADA’s searching system. This list will include the range of vital medicine that athletes need to take because of their illnesses and diseases; 7. Calls to create a fine system for sportsmen who take dope. This system should work like a staircase. Means should be taken from sportsmen, government and stakeholders and given to sport federations (according to the specialty of sportsmen) or to the Olympic committee; 8. Strongly recommends to increase the educational level of support staff; 9. Draws WADA’s attention to the fact that sportsmen, who had used the drug before it was included in the prohibited list, should not be punished; 10. Highlights the importance of electing the WADA’s leader by all NADO’s representatives voting; 11. Recommends to punish not only athletes but their support staff; 12. Athletes, whose doping tests were positive, should be disqualified, but not the whole national team; 13. Advises WADA to make special body, which works with educational organizations such as National Sport Federations (NSFs), Universities and Search Science Centres (SSCs); 14. It is considered necessary to continue the work in the sphere of dope control.