Useful resources for improving your intonation at homeUseful resources for improving your intonation at home Most English course books provide some intonation practice, but you are more likely to find authentic and interesting examples of spoken English on the internet. A good place to start is with some British Council podcasts. For more advanced students, BBC podcasts offer a great variety of items, and you are sure to find something that sparks your interest. YouTube is another fantastic resource. If, like me, you are a TV series aficionado, and want to know even more about your favourite characters on the small screen, look for short interview clips with the actors who play them. Listen to how they respond to humorous questions, serious topics and uncomfortable issues. Notice how the intonation in the voice changes with the change in topic. You are probably using intonation correctly a lot of the time As we have seen, intonation is an important aspect of pronunciation, but it is worth remembering that you are probably using it correctly much of the time. Even if your intonation sounds robotic, like the cab driver we met earlier, it is unlikely to be causing a breakdown in communication. But if you want to be more confident about your intonation in English, and especially if you want to use it with precision and subtlety, then it is certainly worth spending time noticing how others use it, imitating their use, and listening to a recording of your own voice.