6. Do you always feel satisfied and happy to develop this profession or after many years you think there are some difficulties that may arise?6. Do you always feel satisfied and happy to develop this profession or after many years you think there are some difficulties that may arise? I have now worked with people for the past 41 years! A long time. The most important thing, it seems to me is staying enthusiastic. When we lose our enthusiasm, our interest and excitement I doubt that this is the right job to be doing. The job is too hard without passion, commitment and love for what we do – our clients deserve it. The work is too important to be just a job.
Evan is a founding partner at BRIEF, Europe’s largest solution focused training organisation. He has taught throughout the UK, Europe and further afield. He is co-author of three books on the solution focused approach and is currently writing on ‘Building Cooperation’. To find out more about his work and about BRIEF you can go to HYPERLINK “http: //www. brief. org. uk& #8221; http: //www. brief. org. uk