WORKING PAPER № 1 Authors (13): Russian Federation, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Bolivia, People’s Republic of China, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, France, Egypt, United States of America, Senegal, Sweden, Ethiopia, Japan
Prevention of an arms race in outer space The Security Council, Recallingits resolutions 51/122 of 13 December 1996, 54/68 of 6 December 1999, 59/2 of 20 October 2004, 61/110 and 61/111 of 14 December 2006, 62/101 of 17 December 2007, 65/97 of 10 December 2010, 65/271 of 7 April 2011, 66/71 of 9 December 2011, 67/113 of 18 December 2012, 68/50 of 5 December 2013, 69/85 of 5 December 2014, 70/82 of 9 December 2015, 70/230 of 23 December 2015 and 71/90 of 22 December 2016, Reaffirming its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, Reaffirming its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of all states in accordance with the United Nations Charter, Reaffirming also paragraph 80 of the Final Document of the Tenth Special Session of the General Assembly, in which it is stated that in order to prevent an arms race in outer space, further measures should be taken and appropriate international negotiations should be held in accordance with the Treaty, Recognizing that space weapons in all forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security and that any acts of usage space weapons are illicit and unjustifiable regardless of its motivations, and remaining determined to contribute further to enhancing the effectiveness of the overall effort to fight this scourge on a global level, Reaffirming that space weapons poses a threat to international peace and security and that countering this threat requires collective efforts on national, regional and international levels on the basis of respect for international law, including international human rights law and international humanitarian law, and the Charter of the United Nations, 1. Defines defense as reaction to aggression aimed to keep integrity of the object of defense and which does not include the actions of attack; 2. Forbids any country to use space weapons first; 3. Decides to reset the permitted quantity of deployment of satellites and stations (which can be used in war purposes) in outer space and correlate it with scientific use (remaking the Treaty of Accession of 1972) by progressive system of correlation: if a state deploys from 10 to 14 bodies, 25% of them should be used in scientific purposes, if a state deploys from 15 to 17 bodies, 50% of them should be used in scientific purposes, if a state deploys from 18 to 20 bodies, 75% of them should be used in scientific purposes, if a state deploys more than 20 bodies, 95% of it should be used in scientific purposes, as it may low down the motivation for the member states to deploy space weapons, and this restriction must be controlled by COPUOS with regular remotes to the Security Council; 4. Calls upon member states to support sanctions imposed by the Security Council in case if a state violates provision 3 of the present resolution and has not changed the course of a body deployed in orbit in 10 days after its deploying; 5. Requests the General Assembly to establish the International Satellite fund with the purpose of financial regulation, production, launch and management of the United Nations Satellite System. 6. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.