CIMRM 2120-2121 - Named statue of Cautopates. Sarmizegetusa, Romania.
CIMRM 2120-2121 - Named statue of Cautopates. Sarmizegetusa, Romania.
From: Szabo Csaba, Mithrea in Dacia Romana, 2010
| From: Szabo Csaba, Mithrea in Dacia Romana, 2010:
Nr.: 21.
T.: sculptura, M.: calcar, D.: h. - 91 cm (cu baza), L. - 36 cm, g. - 17 cm.
Desc.: Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa. Cont.: 1882-1883, in mithraeum. Nr. Inv.: ?
Inscr.: Cautopati sa(crum)/ Synethus adiu[t(or)]/ tabul(arii) v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito).
Descr.: o reprezentare a lui Cautopates. In mana stanga tine un scorpion si o faclie colorata cu nuante rosie. Are piciori incrutisate. Capul obiectului lipseste. Fig.: XVI. Bibl.: Kiraly P. (1886), op. cit., p. 27., nr. 82. CIMRM. 2120-21, CIL III. 7922.
The Sarmizegetusa Mithraeum is CIMRM 2027.
See also CIMRM 2122, the matching statue of Cautes from the same location.
CIMRM entry
Statue in limestone (H. 0. 91 with base; Br. 0. 36 D. 0. 17. ).
Studniczka, 260 No. 1 and Pl. V; Kiraly, 27 No. 82 and Pl. VII, 1; MMM II 248 No. 140 and fig. 130a; RRS 139, 4; Floca in ED 1935, 219 fig. 4. See fig, 574.
Cautopates standing cross-legged. He holds a scorpion in his l. h. and the torch (now broken off), of which traces of red colour are still visible, in his r. h. The head and the lower part of the legs are lost. In the base an inscription:
CIL III S. 7922; MMM II No. 259a; Kerenyi, No. 2084; Tudor, Istoria, 245 No. 19.
L. H. 0. 03.
Cautopati sa(crum)
/ Synethus adiu[t(or)]
/ tabul(arii) v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito).