Character-Design Template ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Character-Design Template
Name: Gender: Age: Height/Build: Race/Ethnicity: Complexion/Skin Color: Hair/Hairstyle: Eye Color:
Real-Life or Fictional Inspiration:
Appearance (how personality is expressed through appearance, demeanor, posture, clothes):
Personality: Governing Trait: Conflicting Trait: Secondary Traits: Extroverted or Introverted: Strongest Dream: Strongest Fear: What Makes Them Laugh: What Makes Them Cry: Dark Secret:
Religious/Spiritual Beliefs: Attitude toward Government: Attitude toward Law: Attitude toward Cultural Norms: Belongs to Subculture(s):
Education: Economic Status: Current Job/Career: Love Life: Family: Behavior toward Strangers:
Favorite Food: Favorite Drink: Favorite Clothing:
BIO (background/history, defining moments/experiences that have shaped who they are, current status):
Story/Plot Involvement: Character Development: Character Growth: Relationships with Other Characters: