Monday, the 18th of September.Стр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒ Monday, the 18th of September. ABOUT MYSELF
Complete the following sentences about yourself:
1) I was born in (place). 2) I was born on September, 1, 1995. (on the first (1й), 2nd-2й-second, 3rd-3й, third 4th- of Sept, nineteen ninety-nine) 3) My mother’s name is.. She is\was (occupation) a worker/ a clerk/a businesswoman/a housewife 4) She was born in (place)......., on(date). 5) My father’s name is… He is/was (occupation)vice manager/is retired. 6) He was born in (place)…, on (date). 7) When I was.. 7 (age), I went to school in (place). 8) I finished school in 2017 (two thousand and seventeen). Afterthat, I entered the Cherepovets Metallurgical College. 9) I'llgraduate from theCollege in2021. 10) I'll get secondary education andthe profession ofa mechanic/crane worker. /an operator. turner. \an... a.. cook ( technology of cooking and catering) 11) I will work as a turner /an operatorcook... for AO " Severstal" Joint StockCompany. I2) I'll dealwith repairing metallurgical equipment. trans’porting metal and metal products. treating metal / cooking and catering. 13) Now I'm responsible for being well educated. 14) Both my parents live/My mother livesin (place). Ch.. (with me\separately) 15) My brother’s\sister’s name is…. 16)She/he is a/an…(occupation) 17) My brother\sister is\married\single. 18)My brother\sister live\lives in (place).... (with us\separately. 19) He\she has (no/number)... children. 20) He\she was born in (place)..., on (date 21) I have neither brothers nor sisters.
Fill the blanks using the following words (not all the words are necessary): an operator, a cook, a mechanic, an electrician, a fitter, the Cherepovets Metallurgical College, a welder, repairing electrical equipment, repairing metallurgical equipment, cooking and catering, treating steel, a locomotive driver, a mechanic on repairing cars and lorries, aturner St. Petersburg