Work execution sequence. Report content ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Work execution sequence 1. A student should acquaint with mold construction, according to which pattern must be produced. 2. Write down technology of pattern production in the notebook for laboratory works. 3. Make necessary sketches to corresponding molding(forming) operations. 4. Make necessary changes in the pattern construction with regard to existent(present, actual) pattern.
Report content Shortly describe stages(steps, phases) of sand-loam(sand-clay) pattern production. Give necessary sketches that illustrate the process. Offer(provide, supply) explanations to the actions that carried out. Explain what pattern molding(cast, casting, mold) surface area has. Mention advantages and disadvantages of the process.
Quiz 1. What does molding begin from and in what sequence? 2. Which half of the mold is molded first of all? 3. What is dry sand required for? 4. For what purpose is mold perimeter moistened? 5. How is mold taking out realized?