“Polar Readings 2018” - Pictures ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Post Release The sixth annual international scientific conference “Polar Readings 2018: Practices and Equipment in Arctic Exploration” was held on 27th – 28th April 2018 in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
" Polar Readings 2018” focused on the different practices and equipment used throughout the history of Arctic exploration. The conference participants considered the historical experience of human adaptation, economic and research activities in the Far North. Several topics were discussed such as technologies used during primary Arctic exploration, technical features of planning Arctic research expeditions and exploration in the 19th – early 20th centuries, environmental management practices and life conditions of indigenous peoples of the North. Many presentations focused on technologies and various types of equipment (icebreakers, research vessels, polar aircraft, ATVs, submarines) in the history of the integrated development of the Soviet Arctic. But, some of the presentations also turned to the preservation and restoration of historical objects of Arctic exploration. For example, the chief curator of the Nizhnevartovsk Museum of Local Lore, Natalia Katayeva talked about the restoration works aiming at preserving a Barca, an ancient trading ship of the late 18th century, found in the river valley Kiryas, which will be part of the museum’s collection in Nizhnevartovsk in the future. Pavel Filin, Project Director for the Arctic Museum and Exhibition Centre, presented the concept of restoration and creation of Museum exhibition in the hangar at the former Soviet polar station “Tikhaya Bay” on Franz-Josef Land. The forum brought together professional historians, archaeologists, ethnographers, engineers. 47 scientific presentations were heard over two days. The conference was attended by participants from various regions and cities of the Russian Federation – from Moscow, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Nizhnevartovsk, Pskov, St. -Petersburg and Leningrad region. Following the conference, a resolution was prepared, and it is planned to publish a collection of reports. As usual, the 2018 conference took place on board the icebreaker Krassin (Branch of the World Ocean Museum in St. Petersburg) The ship celebrated her 101st birthday this year and is the only surviving and afloat ship that took part in the polar convoys and naval battles of the second world war. " Polar Readings 2018" was held on the eve of the fifth Icebreaker Festival on the Neva River. Participants of the conference had the opportunity to visit the flagship of this year’s festival, the icebreaker Novorossiysk. The conference was jointly held by the Museum and Exhibition Centre for Technical and Technological Development of the Arctic (Arctic Museum and Exhibition Centre) and Branch of the World Ocean Museum in St. Petersburg - “Icebreaker Krassin”. Partners of “Polar Readings 2018” were PAO Sovcomflot, ZAO SMM, the State Museum for the Arctic and Antarctic, the Arctic Academy of Sciences, and the Association “Maritime Heritage”.
All information about “ Polar Readings 2018” as well as information about previous conferences can be found on the website of the " Polar Readings" Conference: http: //polarconf. ru
“Polar Readings 2018” - Pictures Speech by Valentin G. Smirnov, D. Sc. History, Director of the Russian State Archive of the Navy (St. Petersburg) Welcoming speech by Mr. Andrei S. Stepura, chief of staff of Mr. Mikhail M. Kucheryavy, Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Presentation by Boris V. Ivanov, PhD in Geography, Head of the Laboratory of Ocean and Atmospheric Processes of Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Associate Professor of the Chair of Oceanology of the Institute of Earth Sciences of St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg) Sergey A. Ustinova & Zabava S. Ustinova, 2nd-year postgraduate students at the St. Petersburg State Maritime Technical University, design engineers Central Design Bureau “Iceberg” (St. Petersburg) giving a presentation Presentation by Fyodor A. Romanenko, PhD in Geography and Leading Researcher at the Department of Geomorphology and Paleogeography of the Faculty of Geography, Moscow Lomonosov State University Presentation by Nikita Mikhailovich Kuprikov, director of the Scientific and Information Centre " Polar Initiative" (Moscow) Presentation by Pavel A. Filin, PhD in History and head of the project on the creation of the Arctic Museum and Exhibition Centre Presentation by Natalia A. Katayeva, Main curator of the Nizhnevartovsk Local History Museum. Presentation by Sergey Valentinovich Gusyev PhD in History and Head of the Center for Archaeological Heritage of the Russian Scientific Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage named after D. S. Likhache A picture to remember: the participants of " Polar readings 2018" on the helipad of the icebreaker Novorossiysk Pictures: M. A. Emelina & V. Y. Zamyatin