—Wall Street Journal. —Baltimore Sun. —Choice. The Persian Boy. MARY RENAULT. NOT ONE WORD HAS BEEN OMITTED.. THE PERSIAN BOY—Wall Street Journal
" THE BATTLES AND SIEGES AND INTRIGUES AND FEUDS in Alexander's career are various and exciting, but the main theme of this book is superior to them. It is the growth of a great man. " —Gilbert Highet, Book-of-the-Month Club News " HOW COULD MARY RENAULT SURPASS HERSELF? . . . THE PERSIAN BOY is the answer. Miss Renault has written an unforgettable book! " —Baltimore Sun " [A] CONVINCING AND GRAPHIC RECONSTRUCTION OF ANCIENT PERSIA and its opulent and corrupt civilization... In this novel, half documented history, half invention, we see through the. eyes of Alexander's lover, the Persian boy, the conquering god, the brilliant general bent on conquest but concerned for the welfare of the common soldier. It is a tale of war and intrigue but also of love. " —Choice Bantam Books by Mary Renault Ask your bookseller for the books you have missed THE KING MUST DIE THE MASK OF APOLLO THE PERSIAN BOY THE PRAISE SINGER The Persian Boy
BANTAM BOOKS TORONTO • NEW YORK • LONDON • SYDNEY This low-priced Bantam Book has been completely reset In a type face designed for easy reading, and was printed from new plates. It contains the complete text of the original hard-cover edition. NOT ONE WORD HAS BEEN OMITTED. KL 6, IL age 14 and up THE PERSIAN BOY A Bantam Book / published by arrangement with Pantheon Books, Inc. PRINTING HISTORY Pantheon edition published 1972 Bantam edition / February 1974 2nd printing-----March 1974 5th printing____March 1979 3rd printing. November 1976 6th printing.... March 1980 4th printing .... March 197S 7th printing... January 1981 All rights reserved. Copyright © 1972 by Mary Renault. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. This book may not be reproduced In whole or in part, by mimeograph or any other means, without permission. For information address: Pantheon Books, Inc., 201 East 50th Street, New York, N. Y. 10022. ISBN 0-553-22546-4 Bantam Books are published by Bantam Boots, Inc. Its trademark, consisting of the words " Bantam Books" and the portrayal of a rooster, Is Registered In U, S. Patent and Trademark Office and In other countries. Marca Registrada. Bantam Books, Inc., 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10103.