1. What is the missing verb?
1. What is the missing verb?
set concentrate on put in have receive have follow build up possess get
| ____________high self-esteem
_____________ a lot of practice
_____________your interests
______________the will to succeed
_______________specific goals
| 1. Есть такое мнение, что для того, чтобы добиться успеха в чем-то, не обязательно обладать природным талантом. Нужно лишь много практиковатьсяи обладать силой воли, ведущей к успеху.
| 1. There’s an opinion that to succeed in something you don’t need/have to possess a natural talent. You only need to put in a lot of practice and to have the will to succeed.
| 2. The best way to learn something is a deliberate practice. It means that you don’t just repeat an action but you set a specific goal, get immediate feedback and concentrate on both technique and results.
| 2. Лучший способ научиться чему-то – это осознанная практика. Это значит, что ты не просто повторяешь действие, а ставишь перед собой точную цель, получаешь немедленную обратную связь и концентрируешься натехнике выполнения действия и результате.
| 3. Человеку намного легче добиться успеха, если он выбирает себе занятие, руководствуясь своими интересами. Тогда он легче преодолевает трудности, быстро формирует необходимый для себя опыт и получает значимую обратную связь.
| 3. It’s much easier for a person to succeed if they choose something following their interests. Then it’s easier for them to overcome difficulties, build up necessary experience and get meaningful feedback.
| 4. A lot of people give up something not because they don’t possess a talent. In fact they just don’t have the will to succeed. If they put in a bit more practice, very soon they would have a sense of achievement.
| 4. Многиелюдибросаютзаниматьсячто-тонепотому, чтоонинеобладаютталантом. На самом деле они просто не обладают достаточной для успеха силой воли. Если бы они практиковались чуть дольше, то очень скоро испытали бы удовлетворение достигнутым.
What does it take to do these things, in your opinion?
- Play a sport to a high standard
- Succeed in business
- Speak a foreign language fluently
- Be an excellent musician
- Manage people effectively
- Be a good teacher
- If you experience failure early on when trying something new, do you tend to give up?
- What goals have you set for yourself?
- Do your parents set goals for you?
- How do you feel when you fail?
- How do people prepare to be successful?
- Why are some people more successful than others?
- When was the first/last time (choose) you felt successful?
- Does too much success make a person lazy?
- There are many books which purportedly offer the key to success. Doyoubelievetheseguidesreallywork? Why/not?
- If someone were married, had three healthy children, a comfortable house, and a secure job, would you consider that person to be successful? Why/not?
- Would you consider a ninety-year-old person who is physically and mentally very healthy a success? Why/not?
- Does ambition always bring success? Why do you think so?
- If you could take a pill which would result in increased motivation to achieve your goals, would you want to take the pill? Why/not?
- What has a greater influence on a person's ambitiousness, family, genes, or the culture in which he/she is raised? Whydoyouthinkso?
- Is it easy for you to forgive yourself for personal failures?
- Can a failure ever become a success?